1. Another tally

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     I laid on my bed, which consisted of an old ratty mattress and a thin worn out blanket, as silent tears continued to rush down my bruised cheeks. It's been like this for as long as I could remember. Me crying myself to sleep while covered in cuts, bruises, and broken bones, I mean. I can't seem to remember a time where I wasn't harassed or abused in one way or another. I'm not sure why it's like this. Maybe it's because I was an orphan and nobody wanted me. Or maybe it's because I was too different from the rest and I didn't belong. Or maybe it was just the cruelty of the pack that needed an outlet, so that may be reason they  had to have something to inflict their anger on and vent out their problems upon, me.

     I shivered again as the bitter cold bit at my bruised body. The thin blanket I had was practically nothing against it. I flipped over to my right side so that I could stare out my small window, holding a groan in at the motion. It was a half moon tonight, the first quarter. The moon was the only thing that provided light in my small room. It gave off a light wash of blue to my room. It gave me comfort. It felt as if someone was looking down at me, watching me and listening to my story. I let out a breath of air and watched as it fogged up and floated away, fading into nothingness. Perhaps like I will one day. I shut my tightly and prayed that nightmares may stay away this time in my sleep.


      The sound of the leaves of the woods rustling woke me up the next morning. It was still dark, the sun was barely peaking over the horizon. Just like every other day, I had woken up before dawn. I wish I could watch the sunrise. To watch the sun paint the sky beautiful shade of orange, pink, purple, and blue. But I must get to work, or else I would be punished.

      I winced as I got up from the cold floor and stretched slowly, my muscles screaming in protest. Pushing the pain aside, I lugged myself towards my small cardboard box of clothes. I chose a plain black t-shirt and a pair of worn out jeans. I didn't have much clothes. Majority of them were clothes that the pack has thrown out because they either out grew them or grew tired of them.  However, I knew that they would grow angry and accuse me of stealing clothes if they knew I wore their old clothes, even if they had thrown them away. So I combined different articles of clothing  to make them look different but worn down at the same time. Sometimes I make some really nice outfits, but I knew that I would never have the chance to wear them. But it was nice knowing that I have something that a normal teenage girl would have.

       After placing all my clothes on, I walked over to the small bathroom. It wasn't anything to look at but it sufficed. It had a tiny standing shower that barely allowed me to fit in and a toilet and sink which had slow running water. Beggars can't be choosers. After washing my face and brushing my teeth, I quietly made my way downstairs to cook for the pack. Thirty minutes later and I was halfway finished and the sun was a bit more visible now. I have to hurry or else someone will see me, and that surely means a certain beating for me.

      I made haste and quickly finished making the rest of the food before setting it down on the grand table in the dining hall. I then placed several of pitchers with various flavored of juices and milks before I made my my way out of there, but not before sneaking a few pieces of bacon and an apple with me. I quickly hid in the garden, so that they won't smell the odor of food on me. I'm not allowed to eat unless given food, and that was almost never. I would die if I never snuck any food for myself. 

     After I finished my my bacon, I decided to save my apple for later and hid it in a drawer near the back entrance of the pack house.  As I got closer to the dining hall, I heard the familiar sound of children wailing and adults laughing and bantering playfully. Seeing that everyone was eating their breakfast, I went up to begin my chores of the day. Laundry, cleaning, washing the dishes, preparing lunch, maintenance check, washing more dishes, then finally dinner.

     Throughout the day I've received taunts and a few hits, but nothing too serious. It was beginning to worry me. The pack isn't usually so lenient with me. It feels as though it was preparing me for something bigger. Something horrible.

"Rose!" Some one called my name. I made sure to hurry as to not anger the person. As I reached the voice I realized it was Alpha Jones.

"How may I serve you, Alpha?" I asked quietly, keeping my head bowed and my eyes downcast.

" I need you to clean the house. We have another pack visiting and I don't want to be humiliated by a house that looks like a dump!" He said sternly. " In other words, we don't want to have any trouble so you may have noticed that the pack has been a bit more... lenient with your punishments. I want a feast prepared for at least two packs worth. And make sure it's delicious. Or else."

"Yes, Alpha Jones." I answered automatically, not wanting to upset him, despite him saying  that the pack is being 'lenient' on me.

"They are coming in two days. I suggest you start now, Omega Rose." He sneered before sauntering off, going off to do only goddess knows what.

Two days. I have two days to plan a party and prepare enough food for at least one thousand people. It is going to be hectic and I am probably going to collapse from exhaustion. But what else can you expect in the life of Omega Rose. There is only abuse and labor that exists for her . Nothing more, nothing less. It has been and always will be that way.

I guess this day is another tally on my wall of days that I have been living like this.


Hey guys!!! I hope you enjoyed it. If you think that it was a bit boring please stay tuned because I promise the beginning is always the toughest parts. It always gets better!!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2018 ⏰

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