Chapter 10

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I laid down on my bed as I stared at the ceiling . I thought quietly to my self as I recap everything that happened today. I still can't believe Lucy confessed to me today . Do I like her or not? Do I love her or not? I'm so pathetic. I don't even know what I'm feeling. But those symptoms she was mentioning to me about her feelings were exactly like mine. I was shocked by the fact that we're both experiencing the same symptoms for each other and also the fact that she even confessed in general. I felt a happy feeling rush threw me when she confessed.Today, while we were running away from that teacher, I had fun and felt happy. I laughed like I've never laughed before.Then for some reason, when we were laughing, I stopped to stare at her but she beat me to it. I really liked seeing her smile and laugh. So much that I stared at her longer. It was like colors of some sort were blooming around her out of no where. Am I being dense about this?Does this mean I love her? Maybe I should ask for some advice or something.

As if on cue , the door slams open and a little blue haired girl with a little pink haired girl enter my room.

"Big brother! We need your help with something!" The pink pigtailed girl exclaimed .

"What is it, Chelia?" I ask as I turn my head and attention towards them.

"We are trying to decide on which dress to wear at the party and we haven't found a good dress so far." The blue haired girl announced in exhaustion.

"Why didn't you ask Aunt Sally or Uncle Jhon? Why is this such a big deal anyway, Wendy?" I ask as I yawn in boredom.

"Mom and dad aren't home at the moment. They said that they wanted to go out on a date because they haven't been on one since like forever or something like that. " Chelia scratched her head as she tried to remember the last time they've gone on a date but couldn't remember so she gave up.

Oh did I forget to mention! Chelia and Wendy are twin sisters . Their parents are the people who helped me and Erza from that stranded city. When we came to our Aunt and Uncles house, my aunt was pregnant . Though, they don't look like each other, well to me. If I recall , I believe that they might be middle schoolers at the moment. They do everything together and both have the same interest in the same things. Well obviously that would have because their sisters and especially since their twins. Though, their room isn't like your girly average middle schooler kind of room. They have sky dragons plastered everywhere in their room . They always loved those kind of dragons ,maybe because they seemed more feminine ? I don't know. But they only talk to me about dragons because I , for one, like dragons too. My room isn't with dragons everywhere but I have a huge dragon on my wall. My clock is like a red dragon circling around it as its blowing fire on the numbers of the clock. It's obviously a digital clock that I have beside my bed. Their room is blue while mine is red. But besides the point , they enjoy coming to me with every little situation their in . It's not that I have a problem with it , I just don't want them to come to me with advice that they should ask a female about. Like their periods or bra size problems, well Wendy is usually the one with the bra problems and an argument between her and Chelia break out instantly.

Why can't they ask Erza? Maybe their scared that Erza might freak out about the fact that their actually asking her advice about clothing. Erza loves clothing so much so the fact that you are asking her about fashion advice makes her go extremely insane. Though, if you reject her advice , she gets all upset depending on the person. Like if I rejected her fashion advice, she would grab the swords on her wall to kill me. Yes, she has swords on her wall. She not interested in dragons like we are but she likes cake and fashion so her room is considered very girly or feminine like. But the weapons on the wall say different. Also her wardrobe is so huge that whatever occasion occurs , she always has an appropriate outfit on.

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