"Alone together"

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I wake up and I feel a whole lot better today than I did yesterday. I was actually able to get up and walk around. So I decided to go get my clothes, but you know I can't leave the house without someone being at my side at every moment so I took Pete with me back to my house to go get my clothes. We walked in it was still a mess from when Brendon attacked me. We walked upstairs to my room and Pete began to ask me a question.

"So how do you have this big house to yourself? Like where are your parents all the time?

"Well my parents left me when I was a freshman and high school they told me that they were leaving for Guatemala and they weren't ever coming back to the U.S. so they gave me the choice of staying here and living by myself or move with them. I chose to stay here because I wanted to be with all of my friends throughout high school. And my parents and I weren't really all that close I was to different and not really perfect enough for there liking, so it wasn't all that different when they left. So it was all good, and now it's kinda sad that I have to move out of this house now, but I guess it's all good cause at least I will know I'm safe with you guys in your home rather than staying here and be worried that I'm going to be killed at any moment."

"Madaleine, I'm so sorry that your parents left you alone."

"That's okay it's all cool because now I do have a family it's you guys and we can all just be alone together now."

He smiled and we grabbed my clothes and went back to the warehouse. I walked back in and set my clothes in my new room now and I set my room all up. I put up my record wall I used to have in my old room up I painted the walls black and I made an art wall too. I put my clothes in my cabinet that was already in there and I brought a lamp and a little night stand and put that next to my bed. I also brought a picture of my parents and I and my two brothers and just a picture of my whole family. Even though I didn't see them because my brothers lived away and so did my parents I still missed them. Then I brought a huge family photo the family that I used to see all the time till one day we just never saw them again. They like never came back. I have no idea why but they just didn't. So I just felt the need to have a picture of both because I missed them both. A few mins later Pete walks into my room and I had just finished setting up my room.

"This room looks really good! I definitely like it!"

"Thank you I did it my self."
I said confidently and he and I laughed a little bit.

He walked over to my record wall and began to look at all of the records. Then Patrick walked in.

"Hey I really like what you have done to this room!"

" thank you Patrick!"

"Pete what are you looking at?" Patrick said.

"At Madaleine's record wall. Come here you have to look at this! She has all of our records (fall out boy's)! And she has Green day, Blink-182, Metallica, Pink Floyd, Cheap Trick, and more!"

"Madaleine I didn't expect you to be this only music?" Pat said.

"Yeah I absolutely love music!"

"Do you play any instruments?"

"Yeah she does she plays the guitar and a little on the piano. And she told me she wanted to learn how to play bass!"

"Calm down Pete, but anyways Madaleine that's awesome! Do you play well?"

"Well I play okay, but not great. If you know what I mean."

"Yeah I know what you mean. You could definitely keep practicing that's the only way to make you better."

"Yes you are absolutely right Patrick."

"Alright well I better get back to my research and Pete we are going hunting tomorrow night. So be ready to fight."

Patrick then left the room and Pete stayed looking and admiring my records. I watched him then I picked up a box that hasn't been opened yet. It was lol the stuff my family and I did together. I was trying to act like the box didn't exist, but I just kept looking at it longing and I desperately wanted to open it, but I was scared too.

Pete's pov:
I was looking at all of her records I would have never pictured a popular cheerleader to be such a music lover, it was jaw dropping! I turned around to see that she was looking at a box and she looked sad.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh it's nothing I'm just thinking."

I ran through her thoughts she was lying she was definitely sad about something. Something about her...family...

"Madaleine I know your lying. You can tell me if something is bothering you. What is it?"

"Well it's about my family, all the memories we ever had are in that box and I'm scared to open it because I don't want to have to miss them."

She began to cry, I just sat there and wrapped my arms around her while she cried.

"Hey everything is going to be okay. And it's okay to miss your family, I miss my parents sometimes. But the best way to deal with it is to not forget about them, but always focus on the good in life not so much the bad because if you only focus on the bad then you won't make it anywhere in life. So it's absolutely okay to miss them, but they did leave you alone by yourself for 4 years so I mean like you probably hate them for it to."

"Yeah I don't like them for leaving me, but I have this feeling that they left to keep me safe, or maybe I'm wrong and they didn't love me but I have this feeling that they left the U.S to keep me safe, but I don't know."

She sat there in silence I still sat there with my arms around her. She finally got up the courage to open the box and inside the box there was pictures, but at the bottom there was a letter. It was signed from her parents and it was to her and it said on the front in all caps "DONT OPEN UNTIL WE ARE GONE!" She sat there for awhile then she opened it...

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