"Carpal tunnel of Love"

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I woke up the next morning I was sitting chained up in a chair in a dark room. I heard someone walk up behind me and breathe on my neck and say,

"Are you scared yet?" Brendon said in a laughing and mocking tone.

"Where am I? And what do you want with me this time?"

"I put you in this room because William told me too."

"So you just do whatever William says? Like if he told you to let me go, you would let me go?"

"Yes basically."

Hmm I thought for a minute, but I was trying not to think to loud because I didn't want him to hear my thoughts. But that did give me an idea on how to escape...

"I'm so thirsty,where is William?" Brendon said in a whiny tone. He sat there in silence for a little bit, then said,

"Maybe I could have a taste of you while we wait."

I feel my heart beat begin to rise,I was terrified I couldn't escape he walked over to me. I tried hold my neck down so he couldn't get to it. Then he got angry at that and said,

"Okay we'll see about that!"
He then used his mind control on me which basically froze my body in place and made me tilt my neck slightly to the left. I was absolutely terrified he then sunk his fangs into me. I tried screaming but I couldn't do that either I just sat there like a dead mindless zombie, that couldn't do anything but take the pain. He then backed away took off the mind control and said,
"Wow, I didn't know you were AB positive, you tasted so good. I want more!"

He began to come back for more then another vampire stopped him. It was William he said,
"Stop Brendon we don't kill our guests while they have stayed with us now for a little while."

He then bent down to me, I felt all my blood drain out of my body almost it hurt. His eyes got red and said,
"Maybe just one taste."
He took a bite into me, I don't really remember much after that. The only thing I heard was here drink this, it was his blood to heal my neck. I then fell asleep, I woke up about 2 hours later in the same spot. Brendon was watching me.

"What happened?" I said.

"Well we drained almost dry then we saved your life, then you fell asleep, and now here we are."

"Can I just go back to my room,please."

"No, you can't because we have a surprise and a deal for you."

"Okay what is it?"

He looked over to the door I saw Pete being dragged in by two dandies, he had a hood on and was handcuffed. When they took off the hood he looked furious almost wild animal like. Then not long after that William came in and said,

"Ah my magnificent creation, the prodigal son returns."

"What did you do to him?!" I said trying not to be terrified in a room full of vampires.

"Oh I just took away all of his food source, so now he is on a blood rampage, and you my friend just happen to be in his tracks. So maybe that "love" you both have for each other will save you and him, but if not I do have a deal for you if you would rather not die."

"What's the deal?"

"One of the deals are you let him change you to a vampire, you come live with me for eternity and all of your friends get to go back home. The other deal is, you have to try and stop him from eating you then after that I want you too to have sex right here in front of me. Then I'll decide if I want to let you guys go or not I haven't decided yet."

I thought about it for awhile, I didn't want to become a vampire but it would be easy for myself and Pete to do that. The other deal is just weird, but that one isn't that bad. So I guess I'll go for the second one.

He read my thoughts because the next thing he said was," second deal it is. It won't be weird sweetheart because I'll either bring another girl down here for me or I'll just rip you out of Pete's hands."

I made the most surprise and discomforted look ever. I was mortified that I would just be his and Pete's toy to play around with. William then said,"I hope you made the right decision."
As he then let Pete lose of his restraints and came running towards me. I told him to stop, but all he did was get me out of the restraints. I then came up to him and told him the deal. He then looked pissed off at William. I looked at him with longing eyes, and I whispers to him "just do it,I know you won't hurt me."

He then looked at me and pushed me up against the wall grabbed my waist, pulled me in closer. He began to kiss all the way up my neck and made his way to my lips. We began to kiss faster and more passionate. I then felt someone step behind me as we moved off the wall. It was William, he put his hands around my waist and kissed me all the way down my neck and was sucking on my neck. I moaned just trying to keep up the act of enjoying this. Pete continued to make out with me while William was kissing and sucking on my neck. I then felt them both push me to the ground. I then saw Pete back away and William was helping me up from the ground. He began to take off my clothes slowly and caressing every inch of my body he turned me around to face him. He began to kiss my lips. I was half naked and then I felt a half naked Pete come behind me and began to kiss and suck on my neck he then began to take off my bra and pulled off my underwear. He then turned me around to face him and William then backed away. He then lowered me to the ground while kissing me, he kissed up and down my whole body. Our fingers crossed together while he moved in me and he began to go faster. I moaned involuntarily that time, I screamed his name. He smirked he then laid next to me I was about to fall asleep to then wake up to William on top of me now kissing my lips and neck. He then pined my hands above my head, and out his hand on my neck as he moved inside me now. He continued to kiss me I felt like I was out of breath the whole time as he was holding my neck. I moaned as he went faster he then stopped and laid next to me. I laid there mortified at what I had done I felt used. William was asleep while me and Pete laid there he must have heard my thoughts because he pulled me closer to him and kissed me on my forehead and got into my head and said,
"Don't feel used you did what you had to do to get us out of here, I would have done the same. I love you Madaleine."

I then leaned up next to him and I fell asleep. I woke up the next morning in my room with Pete laying next to me still I snuggled right up next to him and saw a smirk appear across his face. We laid there and enjoyed the silence...

I'm In Love With A Vampire?!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang