Fighting with an old friend

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I walked into the house because when I woke up this morning and went for a walk. On the walk I ran into my old friend Ken. He said" Hey. You okay? Where have you been?" I said" None of your business and I got married but then a divorce and he killed my babe. Nicole ran out and said" Mommy! I can talk to Abby!" I said" So your like Jade?!" Nicole said" Yep!" I said" Sweetheart. One question. Who was watching you. The door opened and there stood Phil. I said" Phil! What are you doing here?" He said" To visit you." Ross walked down the stairs and said" Hey (Y/N). Me and Phil just couldn't stay away." I said" Guys this is my friend and his name is Ken." Ken didn't say anything but stare. Ross said" Damn I know she is beautiful but don't stare at her that long!" Jin ran down the stairs and said" I came too! Wait. Why is Ken here?" I said" He is here as a friend and I just ran into him while on my morning run." Lachlan and Preston walked downstairs and seen Ken. Lachlan said" Nicole is asleep and you have a new boyfriend." I said" I will punch both of you. He is my friend." Ken said" Listen. (Y/N). I really like you still. Would you maybe wanna go grab lunch with me?" I said" No. I don't want to go out on a date with you. Where is my phone. I have to call a friend of mine and you three know who is it." I pointed to Ross, Jin, and Phil. Jin said" Who? Is it somebody at work?" I said" Yep. MAD MAX!" Suddenly he ran down the stairs and hugged me. He said" Say that agin?" I said" MAD MAX!" He suddenly kissed me and I pushed him away and fell on the ground. Max said" Are you okay?" He walked closer. I scooted away. I said" Stay away from me MAD MAX!" Jin said" Dude back off of my sister." Max said" Fine." He grabbed a price of paper and wrote something on it. He threw it to me and it read' Until we talk agin. I will give you surprises.' I flinched when he kissed my cheek. I said" Dammit! Listen here Ken and Max. I don't fucking love you because I love somebody else!" I ran to my room. Jin, Ross, and the pack chasing me. I got into my room and locked my door. I walked into my connected bathroom and sat on the floor. Suddenly I heard a loud crash. I closed the bathroom door and sat on the floor. My bathroom door opened to see Jin walking in. He said" Are you okay?" I said" I'm fine. Just tell them I'm staying in my room for the rest of the day. I'm not hungry or anything. I'll be fine." Suddenly Lachlan ran in and said" Everything okay?" I said" Fine. Just gonna downed the whole day in my room. I don't want anything to eat. I'll be fine." Jin said" You forgot your emergency inhaler." He handed it to me and I threw it in my room and said" It's in my room." They laughed and I said" Jin can I talk to you alone?" Lachlan stood up and I said" Dude. You can hear it took use to make sure I don't forget it." He sat down and Jin said" Tell us what it is." I said" The person I love is your work friend. Jin it's Ross." Jin said" I will allow him to date my sister but if he hurts you so help me god I will fuck him up." Lachlan said" Awww lil Pleb loves her friend Ross." I said" Lachlan I will slap you!" He flinched and said" I'll stop." I said" Good." We walked out and Ken was there. He said" So. Are you okay?" I yelled" IM FINE! Will you guys stop asking me that. I'm always fine!" Suddenly I felt dizzy. I sat on my bed and held my head. Ross ran in and said" Are you okay?" I said" I'm dizzy. Jin. My body is numb." Jin said" Everybody out. Get me a glass of ice water!" Everybody ran out and Ross laid me down and said" You need to rest." I said" I don't wanna though. I want to talk with you guys." Phil walked in and he said" Bad news. Jade is coming." I said" Jade is coming!" I jumped up only to be pushed down gently by Ross and Jin. Jin said" Stay down and drink the ice water. You have did this before. You have a headache?" I said" A little." He gave me a headache pull and I took it. I drank some water but flinched as the coldness went down my throat. I sat the glass down on my bed side table and said" Holy shit that's cold." They laughed and I stood up and walked like nothing happened. Ross said" What?" Jin said" This is normal for her but when her body goes numb get her in her bed or somewhere to lay down and not the floor." I said" Jin remember that one time I passed out in a hospital without sleep and I didn't eat much?" Jin said" Yes I do and it's not happening again." I said" It was fun but i got a free meatball sub out of it. The only reason why I did that was because the floor looked comfy to my eyes so I passed out." Jin said" You scared the shit out of us." I said" I'm sorry about scaring you!" I hugged him and he hugged me back. He said" I don't want to loose you sis." I said" You won't lose me unless I die." Jin said" We would never let that happen." I said" I saved your ass by using my power and i tried hiding it." Jin said" Never hide your magic it can be taken away." I said" Than I want it gone. I just want to be normal!" Suddenly Seto ran in. I said" Seto. Take my magic away!" He said" Can't. Your way too powerful. You have the strongest magic there is is sorcery." I said" Dammit!" Jin said" She is mad because she doesn't like her magic." Suddenly I said" I'll be back!" I jolted put the door and ran to Walmart. I went inside and came back out an hour later with a bunch of Pocky. I walked back inside and went to my room. Jin said" Do you have POCKY!?" I said" Hep. One for everybody!" They all ran in and said" What?" Jin and I was jumping. I have him his box and he opened it and ate the Pocky. I gave a box to everybody and I opened my box. I ate one and said" Do you guys love pocky?!" They looked at me and nodded. I said" It's amazing." Jin said" Love you so much sis." I said" Aww. Love you too dude!" Suddenly Nicole ran in and I gave her a stick of pocky. She said" What is this?" I said" You can eat it. It's Japanese candy. Pocky. It's really good and everybody loves it." She ate it and said" I love it." I said" Here." I gave her a box and she ran off with it. Jin said" Holy shit she is fast." I said" I'm fast and when we was little remember when I was running through the house and couldn't stop I time so I ran into a cabinet." Jin laughed and said" Yes I do. You didn't cry or anything you cursed the cabinet and we laughed. Mom and dad was worried you broke something because it didn't take you long to get back. She told you what to dos Dn you got it done in under a minute." I said" I always ran. So that's why I'm out running in the morning to see if I can do it again." Jin said" Bw careful though. We don't want you to get kidnaped of raped." I punched him and said" Never gonna happen. I'll beat the shit out of them before that happens." Jin said" Listen o have to record so we are going on a walk to the park and I'm gonna say what I'm doin here and everything else they need to know about." I said" OKAY!" I ran outside and bolted to the park and hour later the others showed up. I said" Hey guys. I've been waiting for an hour." Ross said" Your fast at running." I said" Yep but wait. Where is my daughter?" Nicole walked out from behind Ross. I said" Oh thank god. Come here sweetie." She walked up to me and hugged me. I said" I didn't leave. I never would. The first time was just so I can get away from daddy." I got my phone out and gave her my headphones. She played my favorite song and she started singing to it and she ran off and sat on a bench. I sighed and said" Damn. I don't want her to grow up." Jin said" It's life. She will but you still have a lot of time left with her." I said" Jin remember the quote I always said." He said" Which one?" I said" Tomorrow is not promised so live life to the fullest." He said" I remember you said that to your best friend Tekato is Japan." I said" Yeah." I smiled and Nicole ran back screaming. I said" Baby what's wrong?" She said" There is a snake over there!" I said" Come here. I have to get you out of here." I picked her up and seen a poisoned snake and suddenly Jin said" GO! We can handle this!" I ran with her and when I got home the guys ran in after. Jin said" Don't worry." Nicole started to cry and I said" Baby please don't cry. It's okay." She gave me my phone and I seen it was cracked. I said" Did you crack my phone?" She nodded and said" I'm sorry." I said" It's just a phone. There are many phones but only one little Nicole." She said" Your not mad?!" I said" Nope. I'm not mad. Are you okay? Did the snake bite you or anything?" She said" Nope. I ran like you said to do before." I sad" Good. Wait. Dammit." I looked at my hand and seen some blood. I said" Stupid thrones." I pulled out the thorn and cleaned it up and put a bandage on it. When I walked back out Ross said" Sorry to say this but are you okay?" I said" Fine but my hand feels painful. A serge of pain is going through it." Jin walked in and said" Go to bed. You need rest." I said" No I don't. I'm hyper still." Jin sighed and said" Fine. Go sing Nicole a bed time story she is tired." I walked into Nicole's room and sang her a song that I knew. What I didn't now was that Ross was standing in the doorway. He walked back to the living room and I walked in there. He said" You have a beautiful singing voice." I said" You heard it?" He said" Yep." I said" Okay." I sat on the couch and closed my eyes. When I opened them again I said" Fudge I'm tired."  Jin said" Told you know go to sleep." I stood up and walked to my room I got under the covers and fell asleep.

Falling for a narwal  A Ross X readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin