Jin finds put more of fhe past

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Jin's POV

I walked with my sister. She said" Jin. Can we go to the park or something?" I said"No. We can go back to the offices though. We are making you. Your own minecraft and YouTube account. We can play together. Do you have Skype anyway?" She said"Nope. Not even a single social media. I don't want him to look for me here." Suddenly somebody ran into her. I moved my arms to where I could catch her and its worked. She looked up and said" Jason!" The boy said" (Y/N)!" I said" Now I'm confused." Jason said" I'm one of her friends from college. Who are you? What are you doing with her?" She suddenly said" Jason. Calm down. Remember the boy I talked about all the time that is my brother but didn't mention a name?" Jason said"Yeah." I said" I'm Jin. Her older brother." His jaw dropped. He said" JINBOP is your older brother!" She said" Yeah. It's amazing to have a brother back in your life." Jason said" Did you tell him?" She shook her head and said"Nope. Just that he abused me. Also that he is hunting me." Jason said" Don't worry. I have fracked him and he is in LA. He is still killing people and I'm afraid he will hurt you. Possibly kill you." She said" Than I have to take it. So anybody I love won't get in trouble." I said" Remember I know fighting." She said" Yeah. He has guns. Knives and other weapons." I said" So he is a coward." They laughed. She said" He did teach me to defend for myself when we wasn't dating. He taught me some good fighting styles and stances." I said" Sis. No. Your not allowed to fight anymore. Not alone at least. Your not fighting alone anymore in this battle." She said" I don't want you or the others getting hurt!" I said" Don't worry." She gasped and looked behind Jason. There's stood a guy with a knife. I said" Who are you?" He said" My name is James Parker! I have come for my princess!" He had a devious smirk on his face. I said" I thought you was a water buffalo. We suddenly broke out into a run back to the offices because we was headed out to eat. When we arrived we ran into the office place. The guy said" I'll find you! You can't hide from me?" She said" I'm giving myself up. I can't keep doing this." Suddenly she was wrapped him arms. He said" Now listen here baby. You have a punishment for leaving me." Suddenly he was hit in the back of the head. I looked to see the others. My sister ran to me and hugged me crying. She said" I don't want to go back to him. He is an evil man." I said" Don't worry. We have this taken care of. He won't hurt you or touch you anymore." Suddenly I heard a bang and my sister looked down to see her side started to bleed. She said" He shot me." I said" I'll call an ambulance. I won't be able to get you there in time." I called and they was here fast. Police took the guy away. Ross said" Who was that?!" I said" James Parker. The one my sister hates and doesn't want anything with." Ross said" What did he do to her and why did he shoot her?" I said" He said she had a punishment coming but she doesn't feel pain anymore. When I lifted her sleeve she had big, long cuts on her arms that he did. In all direction. This is why I told her not to go to college and talk to some guys. They will hurt her! For god sakes." Adam said" Calm down JIN!" I said" Im calm." Adam said" Let's go see your sister." I nodded and we all walked to our cars. When we arrived we was told to sit in the waiting area. I said" Dammit. I couldn't help the way I wanted. I could have fought but not with her around. Mom and dad are going to be mad that he knows where she is." Adam said" Stop stressing the fuck out." I said" What would you do if this happened to somebody you love?!" He said" Probably the same thing your doing. Shit. I have to call Alesa. Asked her about Mason." He walked away. Ross and Max said" Damn. Dude. She will be fine." Suddenly there was a. Pice over the inner com" Code blue! Patient dying! Have to help her!" I said" No. She can't fucking die!" Suddenly the voice sadly said" Code blue over. I'm sorry." I said" She is dead." The doctor walked out and said" I'm so sorry but she died." I cried harder. I couldn't help but cry. Suddenly Adam said" Hey. What happened?" I said" She died." Adam said" Oh." He rubbed circles on my back but I stood up and said" I want to see my sister!" They nodded and walked me to her room. When we arrived there lay a non-movement girl. My sister. I said" Sis. Please come back. Please." Suddenly I heard a little beep of the machine and was pushed out of the room. I walked back shocked. Ross said" What's going on?" I said" Her heart came back. She came back to life. I was in there crying over the bed side because I though she was dead but then I heard the beep of the machine and was pushed out of the room." Ross said" So she came back to life." I said" She would never give up that easy. She almost lost the fight but she is winning again." Adam said" Holy shit!" Suddenly the guy that was chasing her earlier walked in. He said" Where is she?" I said" She died!" He said" I couldn't have killed her. I actually still love her." I said" She is amazing." He said" Absolutely HOT!" Suddenly blood went down his nose and there stood a boy with a knife in his hand. He had a carved smile on his face. His face was white. He said" Don't ever touch her. Don't ever touch my friend!" Then he turned to me and said" Hello. My name is Jeff." I said" Hey Jeff." The others said" Hey Jeff." Suddenly Jeff said" Motherfucker started touching her again didn't he?" I nodded and said" He killed her friend Jason and he chased is back to ghetto offices where I work." Jeff said" Did she really die?" I said" Can we trust you?" He nodded and I said" She is still alive. She came back to life." Jeff said" I knew she would be fine." Suddenly an elf boy walked up and said" Where is the hot stuff at?" Jeff slapped him and said" get it out of your mind elf boy. I won't let you touch her." The boy said" I hate you Jeff." Jeff said" BEN. I love you too now get home so he won't get angry!" BEN nodded. Jeff said" Have to flee bye." We all said" Bye." Adam said" What just happened?" I said" I don't know." The doctor walked out and said" She wants to see an Adam, Ross, and Jin." I said" I'm Jin and this is Ross and Adam." They walked up beside me. He led us to her room and I froze to see her awake and not in pain. I then remembered that she didn't feel pain. We walked in and I said" Hey. Feeling better?" She said" I'm never showing emotion anymore. I just gave up on my emotions. I'm a cold dark soul now." I said" So Levi from attack on Titan." They all laughed but she just sat there with a star aught face. She said" Sure." I said" Sis. Smile!" She said" Nope." Adam started to tickle her but she didn't laugh or anything. I tried my best to get her to laugh. So did Adam and Ross. Ross touched her mom hurting side. She gave a little fake laugh at times. I said" Can't fake us." I tickled a spot she wasn't ticklish at as kids. Suddenly she started to laugh. I said" There we go. You laughed." She said" Jin it takes time to not feel stuff. I can't believe he found me though." I said" Di you know Jeff and BEN." She nodded but flinched at BEN's name. She said" Yeah." I said" They were just here. Suddenly the window to her room opened and in walked Jeff. He said" I asked boss if I could come." She said" Jeff. Why did you come earlier?" He said" I thought my girl died. I was so proud if you. To call you my girlfriend." She said" Jeff. Your have your job." He said" If you died I would have cried. I didn't even cry for when I killed my family." She said" Jeff. Enough. They are here and you don't talk about your past. It will hurt you eventually. Liu is still alive and I know where." Jeff said" Where?" I said" I'll tell you when I get out of here. I'll come with you to help you look." Jeff said" This is why your the tracker. You found my brother that was supposed to be dead." I said" He is but so are you." He said" Yeah. I'm a creepypasta killer." She said" I know and I'm the tracker for pastas. I'm a big fan of them. Trust me you was always my favorite one." ( Sorry if it's not Jeff.) Jeff suddenly said" Listen babe. I have to split. He needs me to work again." She said" Okay. Bye Jeff." He said" Bye sweets. I love you." He left. She sighed. I said" What?" She said" He always does this. He will come to your house through the window. He will just do it so he can see me. If anybody tried to stop him he will kill him because I'm his property. Still." She lifted part of the bed sheet and moved her leg. There was a cut that said Jeff's name on it. I said" Woah." Ross said" Holy crap." I said" Sis. That's enough. Your being tortured!" She said" I'm used to it so I don't care." Suddenly two boys walked on. One had green hair and a hat. He put the baton her head and said" Hey. You doing okay? What happened?" She said" I'm fine guys. Just James Parker. He found me and chased me and my brother until he shot me." Suddenly the two hugged her. She said" ENOUGH! Jack and Mark! I don't need hugs I need to be out of here. I'll be fine. I just don't feel pain or anything anymore." Jack said" Sorry (Y/N)." Mark said the same thing. She said" Jack. Your supposed to be in Ireland. Why are you here?" He said" Well. I wanted to go to PAX and Mark said" It's here this year and we got you a ticket." She said" Aww. Thanks guys. This is why I went to Vidcon." Mark said" WhT are you doing in Washington?" She said" My brother!" The two said" Who is your brother? Why didn't you tell us you had one?" I said" I'm her brother. This is Adam and Ross. Tho others are still on the waiting room." Ross said" Hey." Adam said" I'm the Budder King!" (Y/N) said" You guys are ridiculous. How could I put up with you Jin?" I said" My stupidity rubbed off on you little miss hyper?" She said" But I'm batman!" Everybody laughed and I laughed too. She said" No. I'm not batman. I'm the best super hero there is." I said" Who is that?" She said" I'm myself. I'm he best super hero ever!" We all laughed and I said" Sis. Your not a super hero." She said" Hey Jin can I tell you something?" I said" Sure." She said" Jin. Your high." I laughed and said" Sis. You eating jello because I'm so awesome." She said" your a potatoe I'm awesome." We laughed and I said" Not amused." She said" I'm very fricken short!" I said" Don't worry. You'll grow." She said" You have to grow a pair. I heard you didn't have one." I said" Sis. Now. Don't be like somebody else I don't know with dirty jokes. Who taught you this?" She said" My friends." I said" Who?" She said" Rob." I said" Sis. Where do you meet him?" She said" During Vidcon. He was with a bunch of boys I'm hoping to meet them again." I said" Was they nice to you?" She said" yes. They was amazingly nice." Her phone went off. She said" Hello?" She said" Oh hey dude. I'm come. I'll ask my brother. I'll be fine. I'm in the hospital. Tell the guys. I'll be fine. I just got shot. I'll be fine guys. I show no emotion. I'll be fine. Bye. Love ya guys. I'll se ya when I get there of my brother allows it." I said" Allow what?" She sad" It was Rob and Preston. They want me to come visit them. Can I?" I said" Can we come with you?" She said" Sure. Bye your own plane ticket though. They told me they would bye mine. Dammit. My job!" I said" Than it's okay." Suddenly her phone ran again. She said" What Preston?! What! Really? Ohmygosh. The new puppy arrived. What about the baby in the house? I told you guys to keep her safe. Is she even there?" Suddenly I took the phone and said" Who is this?" He said" My name is Preston and I'm part of the pack. I'm with Rob, Vikk, Mitch, Jerome, Lil Lachy." I said" We are coming with her. She is my little sister. I have to make sure she isn't hurt." He said" Okay. Who all is coming with you?" I said" Guys? Who all is coming?" Ross said" I am." Adam said" I can't." I walked out of the room and asked some of the others. I said" Ross, Adam can't, Max and Red."Preston said" OkY. Can we have (Y/N) back now?" I said" Dure. I was able easy back into the room and gave her her phone. She said" How's lil Lachy? Lachlan! No! Be good! If you want to pet her you have to show niceness and a bunch of other bull that I can't show." Adam said" Hey. Alesa. I'm coming home now." He ended his call and said" Bye (Y/N). It was great meeting you. She said" Bye Adam!" She said" Yea Mitch and Jerome. He is here in my hospital room right now. My brother works with him. I'm coming next month. I'll be there next month. Bye." She ended the call and he phone ran again. She said" Dammit Jack! What now?! Next week! You didn't tell me this! Now I'm in a panel with you guys!" I took the phone and ended the call. She sighed and said" Give me back my phone!" I gave it back because she was mad. Ross said" Can I see your phone?" She nodded and handed him her phone. He looked through the contacts and seen so many different people. Two or more from London." Her phone ran and it said" Dan!" she took her phone and said" Hey Daniel! I'm fine just in the hospital." He said" ( Y/N) I just wants say thanks for helping me with the problem I had. Phil is still jumping for joy. Thanks for helping with Phan. We didn't know which one to adopt so thanks for helping me do that." She said" Your on speaker!" He said" oh. You know we miss you so much right. It's hard making videos a little bit still." She said" Don't worry. You can get the hang of it." He said" My girlfriend can't even help." She said" I can. In 2 months from now. In on my way and don't do anything stupid!" He said" I won't. Please." She said" Don't worry. She is just a baby!" He said" Your not helping that." She said" Don't worry. Stay calm and take a deep breath. When you let it out. Smile! The baby is just a little girl. Don't worry. She isn't that bad to handle." He said" She followed us around and when somebody is at the door she is perky and tries to be their friend. Why did you have to help us choose this one!" She said" Dan. She is just a baby. She doesn't know any better. If you want I'll bring her home with me and I'll get her to calm down then I'll bring her back." Dan said" Fine. Now I have to go. My daughter is drawing on the walls." (Y/N) said" Let me talk to the girls." A little girl said" Hey aunt (Y/N)." She said" Hey baby girl what's up?" She said" Daddies are being mean." She said" What are they doing?" The kid said" He yelled at me!" She said" Put dad back on the phone." Dan said" What?" She said" You yelled at the baby! This is why I got a divorce from you! You grew angry! I'm coming and bringing home my baby girls." Dan said" No. I'm sorry. Please. Phil just got a dog." She said" Enough. Your not yelling at my daughters again." She ended the call and said" For fudge sakes." She pressed the nurses button and she came in. She said" What do you need sweets?" She said" When can I leave?" She said" Right now if you want." She said" Thank you, now Jin are you ready to see your niece's?" I nodded. She stood up and we walked to the air port after we drove there. (Y/N) said" I can't believe he yelled at them. I told him when j left he could tell at me not them. I was gonna bring them with me but I was busy with college and they wouldn't have fun. I left them with their father." I said" Don't worry. I'll love the children."

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