He Stays

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After I asked him to stay he tells me he needs to call the dorms so they know where he is, as he called Bambam answered.

"Hello" Bambam said. Jaebum replied. "Hey Bambam I just wanted to let you and the members know that I won't be coming home tonight.

"Why?" Bambam said. "Because I am with someone right now and it would be bad of I left them. Bambam replied with " oh is it a girl?"
I blushed as I heard that.

"Yes it is Bambam now let the other members know." Jaebum replied. "Ok, but is she cute?" "Bye Bambam." JB replied nervously.
              Jaebum's POV
"Sorry about that." I said as I scratched the back of my head. "It's all ok, we need to rest now." She said as she got me a pillow and a blanket.

                 My POV
As we said out good nights I walked to my room. "Why is he so cute?" I asked myself.
I couldn't stop thinking about him for a while until I kept hearing creepy noises in my bedroom.

The noises scared me so Much that I got up to see what JB was doing, as soon as I got into the living room he was just playing on his phone until he saw me.

But when he saw me he smiled and I blushed. "What are you doing up." He asked me so peacefully. "I..I couldn't sleep because I kept hearing noises in my room." I stuttered.

     She is so adorable.

"Oh well um.. Do you wanna hangout in here for a little while?" He asked. "I don't want to bother you if you are going to sleep though."

"I am not that tired actually so we can stay up a little while if you would like?" he said. "Only if you want to."
"I do because you seem to be a very nice and beautiful girl." He says while blushing.

I blushed too as I said. "Thank you, you are a very sweet and cute guy." I say. "Thanks." He says as a shy smile forms on his face.

"Actually we should go to my room just in case we fall asleep." "Well ok I guess." He said with a cute smile. As we get too my room I ask "would you like to watch a movie." "Ya sure." "What kind?" "Um...scary."

"Ok" I said. As we lay on the bed a little ways between us all of the sudden a jump scare appeared and I immediately grabbed on to his chest and clenched his shirt with my hand.

"I am sorry." I said nervously. "It's ok you were just scared." He said with a teethy smile and my face started turning to a burnt red color.

We both had our hands on the bed beside each other.

I start feeling something warm on my hand, as I looked down I saw that he put his hand on top of mine.

It felt so warm and comfortable, but as I'm looking up I see that he was also looking at our hands. We both look into each others eyes so intensely it felt as if the whole world just slowed down.

But I didn't feel uncomfortable as he was looking into my eyes as if he was staring Into my soul.

I felt him moving closer-

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