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Author: lozzykiwi

Story title: Linked

Genre: Science fiction

Featured by: Pearlyangel33

Story plot: What would happen if you were telepathicly connected to a person and had to keep it a secret or you would risk your life?

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Story plot: What would happen if you were telepathicly connected to a person and had to keep it a secret or you would risk your life?

This is what happens with Benna Denman a couple of years in the future. But but but the president is against this evolution.

And when the government offers cash for these telepaths, she is under great suspicion of her boyfriend and her father she knows that she is in trouble.

And when her own father wants to use her as a lab rat to develop a 'cure' for telepathy,  Benna and her link a boy named Corin, decided to try to run.

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