The Irrational Logic of Fate and Love

84 24 1

Author: @DoveReign

Genre: Teen Fiction

Featured by: Pearlyangel33

Story Plot: It's an old saying that if you meet a person more than three times it's not coincidence it's fate

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Story Plot: It's an old saying that if you meet a person more than three times it's not coincidence it's fate.

When karma's right hand woman, Alexandria Heath bumps into the arrogant Jared Woods, a new meaning of the term crazy comes to light. Absolute pendonium ensues when one bet leads to them challenging each other at every chance. After staying with each other for a very long time they do realize that they are not different from each other. But an enemy from past changes it all. Soon they have to face their deepeest fears. But one wrong move could destroy everything.

But to win a war you have to make sacrifices. What exactly are they going to give up when they are confronted? And will they come out unscathed from this game? After all third time is a charm.

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