Rules and Regulations

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Hello wattpaders!!

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Hello wattpaders!!..

Here are some rules which you need to follow in order to get your story featured in this book.

1.Do follow our I'd-Ramblingbrooks

2. Follow the user who featured your book.

3.Post a message to your followers about this book.

4.Vote on all the parts of this book.

5.Please ask your friends and acquaintances to read this book.

We want to promote your stories as much as we can but for that we need some contribution from your side too. Otherwise this will not be successful.

Comments for featuring your book should be posted on the first part only.

Do share your views regarding the books.

Spread this book to every niché of Wattpad

Take care loves.

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