I make my way down the second floor hallway when I run into Freya.

"Phoenix?" I can't help but question, confused to see her here.

"Hey Doc," she greets casually.

I observe her for a moment. There's something about her that always leaves me feeling suspicious. It's not just her power, but her personality too. She seems to always be up to some sort of mischief. I feel that today is no different.

"What are you doing here?" I ask before I can stop myself.

She ignores my question, asking one of her own instead.

"Going to see Blake?" She asks with a curious look in her eye, but I know it's a rhetorical question.

"Yes," I answer after a moment. Hearing her say his name with such familiarity strikes a small nerve of jealousy within me. I want to know him like that.

She knows exactly what I'm thinking, because a wide grin stretches across her face. I feel my face heat up at her knowing smile.

"Don't worry, I've got my knight in shining armor," she teases.

As if on cue, the large Beta comes around the corner towards us. He doesn't say anything at first, just walks up next to Freya and slips his hand into hers, the large palm engulfing her smaller one dramatically. They share an adoring look before both turn to look at me.

"Doctor," Samuel greets with a nod.

"Beta," I say, returning the gesture.

"What is it with you people? Is a first name basis here forbidden?" The fiery girl groans.

The man chuckles, looking down at his mate with a dopey smile.

"Sort of," he replies in his quiet voice.

She huffs before answering.

"Well, sounds like another rule I'll have to break! After all, it's not like we aren't all friends here."

He and I exchange a similar look.

"What? Are we not friends?" She asks, catching the look her mate and I share. "You've treated us quite a few times over the past year and a half, and Goddess knows you've seen Demitri and Ara enough." She says to me, rolling her eyes at just how frequently the other couple visited.

I laugh at how right she is.

"That's true."

"Exactly," she states with a triumphant smile, "So let's stop this title nonsense and treat each other like human beings. Or, half-humans, I guess." Her face screws up in contemplation at that.

The two of us laugh at her strangeness.

"Your wish is my command," Samuel (it feels odd calling him by his first name) says softly, and the two share a very loved up look for a few long moments, making me fidget uncomfortably.

I cough to let them know I'm still there.

"Well, I guess I'll see you guys at dinner?" I say, not really aware of my words but ready to stop intruding on their intimacy.

Freya nods.

"Of course! Now let's stop bothering her with our in-loveness and let her go get on her own in-loveness with her mate." She says with a sly look, wiggling her eyebrows at me.

Samuel actually blushes at her words.

"Yeah," he agrees awkwardly, looking anywhere but at me. For such an intimidating man, he really is quiet and shy.

"Uh, yeah, okay, yeah." I choke out, embarrassed beyond relief.

Her musical laughter fills the hallway before she turns back to me, serious all of a sudden.

"He's still asleep now, but I'm sure you won't mind that." She informs me. Her words are a relief, while I do want to see him, I'm not sure if I'm ready to have a conversation with him.

I let out a breath.

"Do you know why he became a rogue?" I ask, the question haunting me since his arrival.

She looks away for a moment before answering.

"I think you'll want to hear that one from him," she quietly states.

"Oh, right." I say, faltering slightly.

"It's nothing bad," she reassures me quickly, immediately catching onto my thoughts. "It's just not my place."

At that, both Samuel and I wear shocked expressions. She looks between us once again.

"What? I may not have a keen sense of privacy but I know when to stop talking!" She defends.

When we continue giving her disbelieving looks, she groans.

"And on that note, we depart." The Beta says with a smile, half dragging his mate further down the hall, towards the stairwell. But she's not done just yet.

"Have fun!" She calls out, waving goodbye crazily.

I laugh, shaking my head at the two and continue down the hall.

It's not until I reach room 212 that my nerves come back. My wolf is jumping around excitedly, ready to see her mate while I stand staring at the door worriedly.

It's not a big deal, after all, Freya said he was asleep.

I can do this. I can face a sleeping man. I did it already.

And with that in mind, I turn the handle and enter.

The Pack Doctor's MateWhere stories live. Discover now