Chapter 2

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I stood in the auditorium with the rest of class 3-A, sneaking glances over at where 3-E stood. I searched their lines for a certain red head, but I was having no luck. At one time, I kept my gaze on them a little too long. A person with blue hair looked over at me, seeming annoyed with all the stares and glares he and his friends were getting. My eyes widened before I quickly turned my head away.

'Karma doesn't seem to be here. Where is he?'

And so the special assembly started, with the red head no where to be seen.

Weakness #0 - Sensitive Skin

I stood outside, leaning against a wall to study. But that was quickly becoming taking a nap.

"You're that girl that kept looking at us," a boyish voice said.

I yelped and my eyes opened and I stood up as I started juggling my book. As soon as I caught it, which takes skill, I held it to my chest and looked to see who had the nerve to disturb my studying/nap.

"You're the one that looked annoyed," I replied.

"What's your name?"

"I should be asking you that," I retorted, acting tough.

"I can tell you don't like that. Acting like we're so far below you," he said. "But I don't know why."

I sighed. "I don't. I'd rather act like you're my equals, or close to it. I don't like the system my father set up."

His eyes widened in surprise. "Principal Asano set it up. You must be his daughter."

I smirked a little. "Bingo. I'm Y/n Asano. Not like it matters," I stated with a shrug. "But I said my name. So tell me yours. It's only fair."

"OK. You seem nice enough. I'm Nagisa Shiota."

"Do you know Karma? Karma Akabane?"

His eyes widened again. "You know Karma?"

I nodded hesitantly. "Yeah? Why?"

He coughed to try and cover up what he said next, "I just didn't take you as the type to know him."

"He was in the same class as me, Shiota-kun."

He scratched the back of his neck nervously and turned his face away. "You've got a point there. But you can drop the -kun. And call me Nagisa"

"Hmm?" I asked, confused. And then it registered. "Oh, sorry. Habit?"

He nodded. "I guess. But you haven't talked to Karma at all?"

I shook my head. "He's in 3-E now. If I get caught talking to him, my reputation is ruined. And, not only that, but I'd be made fun of on the daily."

Nagisa narrowed his eyes, as if thinking, "What about us?"

"Sorry,} Nagisa. Plus, I can't even, if I want. God, why am I telling you this? I just met you!" I asked, flustered.

"Hey, Y/n!"

"Ah, shit. It's Gakushu. Bye!" I said hurriedly, before walking in a rushed fashion past Nagisa and in the opposite direction of my brother.

"Why can't you, even if you want?" I heard Nagisa ask.

"Oh, hey!"

He looked at me, seeming confused.

I ran back to him with a scrap of paper I scribbled my number on and stuck in my pocket in case I saw Karma but couldn't talk. I grabbed his hand and placed it in his palm while keeping an eye on my approaching twin. "Text me."

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