Chapter 9

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Normal POV:

Its the next day and we are getting ready to go to the junkyard where they have the Juggernaut at and I completely quite Cyrus's class. Me, Kalina, Damon, and our rookie Andy is getting out of the car when we get grabbed by four guys "hey let us go" we protest being dragged to Cyrus. "you don't know what your doing Cyrus" Damon said to him. "oh really" Cyrus said amused looking at us. "it seems you have been keeping a lot of secrets from me Cassidy. But now I know more then you wanted me to" Cyrus said. "This is Slavery" I bark out. "how they are already dead" Dennis said. I glared at him "you will never get it to work not without the.." Damon stopped I'm looking at him. Cyrus smiled "not without what" he asked laughing. Kalina looked at me and I snarled "You already know" I say to him he chuckled. "tell me Miss. Parker" Cyrus said. I sighed "as you know it wont work without the Thirteenth ghost a.k.a. The Broken Heart" I say being a smart ass. His grin grew wider "thirteen"? Dennis asked throwing Cyrus a questioning look. "yes thirteen" Cyrus said. "get them out of here" Cyrus said to his men who dragged us off. I heard Dennis yelling "the deal was twelve that's the deal after tonight me and Cole are done Cyrus". Then I heard screaming I look to see Cole being thrown into the cube I elbow the dude holding me "ahh" he says in pain and I get away. I get a glance of Andy flipping the guy holding him and Damon and Kalina elbowing the other two holding them. I get to
the cube to see Cole being thrown into the walls I pick up a pair of Viewers off the ground and put them on to see the Juggernaut attacking her. I pull out a flair "when I tell you get her out" I instruct Andy who nodded. I light up the flair and open the cube and throw it in "NOW!" I yell. Andy went in a pulled Cole out I closed the Cube quickly. She is currently unconciess "Cole come on wake up" I say trying to wake her up. "no good she's out" I say looking up at Andy I got a glimpse of the Juggernaut watching us from inside the Cube. "Damon oh god. CASSIDY!!" Kalina yelled I looked at Andy "stay here" I say and run over to Kalina to see her on the ground with Damon I see his throat has been cut "oh god" I whisper Damon is like a brother to both me and Kalina. A few hours later we are at the hospital Me ,Kalina and Andy are in the waiting room when a doctor walked in "Damon" he said we stood up. "I'm sorry but we did everything we could" he said. I hug Kalina we are both crying and Andy sits down in shock I break the hug "Kalina its going to be ok" I say having her look at me she nodded I kissed her forehead and we sat back down. The doctor came in a couple minutes later "Nicole Rafkin" he said we stand back up and im holding Kalina's hand for dear life "she's ok she has a mild concussion and a few cuts and bruises and she has and sprained ankle" he explained. I let out a breath of relief "can we see her" I asked. "yes she is still unconciess though"he said we nodded. We walked into her room.

Cole's POV:

I wake to see Cass, Kalina and some hot guy standing in front of the bed I'm in. "ok I give where am I and who is that"? I asked confused. They share a look "Cole there is a part of my life you don't know about me and Kalina" Cass said looking at me. I look at her confused "like what" I asked. "me and Kalina work and lead The Spirit Reclamation Business and we have been formulating a plan to destroy Cyrus's machine and the girl I met the other day was the withered lover's daughter. I also met her husband and son. Oh and this is Andy he's a recruit." she say pointing to him. "how come I'm just now finding this out" I asked my feelings hurt. "Cass your supposed to be my best friend how come you didn't tell me this before. And its nice to meet you Andy" I said upset. "I couldn't risk Dennis finding out and telling Cyrus I'm really sorry Cole and you saw what happened to me when he found out about me I didn't want the same thing to happen to you." she said censer. I look away from them "Leave" I say. "Cole" she started. "I said get out!" I yelled. She turned to leave but turned back around "if it makes you feel any better we lost a team mate tonight and if it wasn't for me and Andy you would be the same rite now" she stopped herself before she said something she might regret. "go ahead say it Cassidy" I said challenging her. "that's enough!! Nicole I know what your thinking that we told Cyrus who to go after do you think Cassidy would tell him to go after Dana what the hell did he tell you to act like this."Kalina said upset. "She's a Rafkin Cyrus's puppet" Cassidy said with no emotion at all in her voice. "well that's nice Cassidy thank you its not my fault you tried to savatage everything" I hissed they all looked at me with confusion. "What the hell are you talking about" Cassidy asked. "Like you don't know" I said sarcastically. "umm I don't know" she says annoyed and upset. "you told him where to find Royce and Dana" I accused. Her expression looked like someone slapped her "NO.I.DIDNT" she nearly yelled. "yes you.." I started but she cut me off by throwing a piece of paper at me I looked at it. It had all the information of the ghosts and where to find them. I looked back up "he had that in his office that's how I found out about Dana and Royce" She explains with tears going down her face. "so thank you for letting me know how you feel" she says and storms out. "She didn't tell you because she was worried about Dennis it had nothing to do with her trust with you" Kalina said walking out.

Kalina's POV:

I hurried out to the parking lot 'she's going to snap I need to stop her' I think looking all over the place. I get into the car and look all over the place but no luck. My cell rang "hello" I say into the phone. "Kalina its Andy I'm still here with Nicole" he said. I sighed "ok I'm out looking for Cass but so far no luck" I tell him. "Nicole said go look in Dana's old house and when you find her tell her she said she's
really sorry"He said. "ok I will. and thanks"I say and hang up. I do a U turn and go back down the road and take a left. A couple seconds later I'm out side Dana's house and the front door is wide open. 'ok she's here 'I think and run into the house and look everywhere I cant find her down here I'll go search upstairs. I go and walk into Dana's bedroom to see Cass sitting there I go over to her and sit down beside her she puts her head on my shoulder and cry's harder I put my arm over her shoulders. "Its not your fault Cole was just upset" I tell her "and she said she's sorry" I inform her. She shakes her head "its not only that" she said pulling away and standing up and walking to the window. "Then what is it" I ask now standing behind her. "I feel like I've betrayed Dana " she said I put a hand on her shoulder she turned and looked at me. "why" I asked. "Because I've fallen in love again something I thought would never happen" She said. I walk up to her "when we kissed the other night I don't know what happened something clicked.." I cut her off by kissing her which she returned.

Andy's POV:

"stupid stupid" Nicole kept saying smacking herself in the head "hey hey stop that" I said grabbing her wrists she looked at me thankful. "thanks why did I say those things how could I actually think she would do that" Nicole said burying her face in her hands. "hey Kalina will find her Nicole" I said she glared at me. "I'm only going to say this once call me Cole" she said. I nodded "I hope she doesn't hate me" she says. "I'm sure she doesn't." I tell her now hearing my cell phone ringing. "hey Kalina did you find her" I say into the phone. I heard her sigh "yes we are going home for the night she's not mad at Cole" Kalina said. "ask Kalina if I can talk to her" Cole said I nodded.  "Kalina can they talk" I asked. I heard her ask Cassidy "yea" Kalina say. I handed my cell to Cole "Cass I'm soo sorry I feel absolutely  horrible for what I said please forgive me" Cole said. I saw her smile and laugh a little "I cant believe you remember that joke" Cole said "ok have a good night and I understand why you didn't tell me just promise me you'll do what ever you can to set them all free" she said. then smiled "good. ok bye" she said and hung up and handed it back to me.


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