Chapter 4

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Normal POV:

Its been a few weeks now and we got the whole basement done and some of the first level done were at the site rite now working Cyrus what everyone calls him now made the Spectral Viewers and now everyone has a pair mine is on my shirt as me and Cole are putting up part of the wall. We hear someone walk towards us it was Cyrus "What do you need Cyrus"? I asked attaching the wall. " I need to speak with Cole" he said Cole looked at me I nodded to her. "ok" she said and left with him. when I was getting ready to walk out I tripped over a stool we had inside "Shit" I curse. My Spectral Viewers fell off my shirt but when I  went to grab them I saw something on the floor threw the viewers I put them on. "oh shit" I whisper I didn't notice Cole now standing behind me. "What is it"? she asked making me jump. "sorry" she said standing beside me now. "Put your Viewers on" I instruct her she looks confused but does it. I point to the floor "umm what is this" Cole asks seeing the same thing I'm seeing. "Hidden Barrier spells. why is this shit all over the ground" I state walking around looking at the floor. I finally took the Viewers off "so what did Cyrus want" I ask looking over to Cole who was still looking on the ground through the  viewers. "umm he asked me if I wanted to help him and Dennis for extra credit" she said. I nodded and looked at my watch and looked around at everyone who I knew if they could be asleep rite now I giggled and Cole looked at me and raised and eyebrow. "Ok everyone go home get some rest and I'll see you tomorrow. Good job today!" I shout everyone started leaving. "hey how are you going to get home since I'm going to help Cyrus and Dennis?" Cole asked. Then a car pulled up I smirked "As you can see Kalina is way ahead of you" I say walking to the passenger seat hearing Cole giggle I smirk. As we are driving away Kalina turns to look at me as she is driving "why is Cole staying"? Kalina asked as she turns back to look at the road. "to help them do something for extra credit" I say knowing full well what they are up too.

Cole's POV:

We pull up to an old looking house "everyone put on your Spectral Viewers" Cyrus said I look at him confused as we all get out of the van "bring in the cube" Cyrus instructs I see a huge containment cube being brought in and its opened. Dennis looks at me and sighs "you ready" he asks I hesitate but nod. We both then touch the ground to get a vision I saw a little boy in the back yard with an arrow

through the back of the head. When the vision ended I remembered what Cassidy told me once ((Flashback)) we are sitting in her and Kalina's living room studying when I came to a symbol that of course I didn't know. "umm Cass what's this symbol stand for?" I asked. She looked at the book and smiled "it stands for the First Born Son umm its a ghost of a little boy that got shot in the back of the head with an arrow" She explain. ((end of flashback)) "oh no" I whisper. "where is he" Cyrus asked us me and Dennis pointed to the back yard.

Kalina's POV:

I was sitting down on the couch watching TV with the Arcanum in my lap when I hear someone coming down the stairs it was just Cassidy. "That was refreshing" she says sitting down beside me on the couch. I look at her and laughed quietly she looked at me puzzled "what's so funny"? she asked. I shake my head "oh nothing besides the fact that your shirt is on backwards" I say innocently. I feel her get up and run off I hear her run up the stairs "seriously!!"she shouts I hear her bedroom door slam shut. A couple seconds later she comes back down I laugh a little she glares playfully at me "oh haha I'm glad I amuse you " she says sarcastically and sits back down. I nod "oh yes so amusing" I say looking at her this time she laughs. Cassidy looks at the TV and looks confused "since when do you watch the weather channel"? she asked looking at me again. I shrug "I wasn't watching it really. I was reading the Arcanum"I say. "ohh ok good so you wouldn't mind if I change the channel" she says grabbing the remote. She turned it to Comedy Central to watch south park. I have been friends with Cass for a long time she is one of the few friends I had stick by me when I first got into ghosts and stuff everyone else thought I was weird. When I told Cass she just looked at me like what did you expect me to say "I'm into that stuff too always have been and did you really think I was going to turn my back you were here for me when I came out of the closet" she said. After that we both just got into business together and some how we got ahold of the Arcanum. I close the book and get up off the couch she looked at me "you alright Kalina"? she asked concern on her face. I smile and nodded "I'm just going to put the Arcanum up" I say and walk up stairs to my office. I hear the phone ring downstairs I walk down to see Cass already on it. "umm ok I'm on my way now. bye" she says and hangs up. "ugh!" she says and goes upstairs.

Normal POV:

Cyrus just called telling me to meet him, Dennis, and Cole at the site. I'm now wearing a short sleeved shirt with my vest with the protection spells on it and my Spectral Viewers and Blue jeans and pulled my hair into a ponytail and walked downstairs Kalina looking confused. "where are you going"? she asked. "they need me at the site apparently" I said. She looked troubled but nodded "ok be carful"

she said. I smiled and nodded and walked out the door.

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