Chapter 8

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Normal POV:

I wake up at 2:00 am because I'm thirsty. I get up and walk downstairs and go to the Kitchen and get a glass of water as I'm leaving the kitchen I see Kalina on the couch sleeping. I debate a little on waking her up or not I decided to wake her up because I think she will be more comfortable in her bed. I walk over to the couch and kneeling down and shake her gently "Kalina" I say gently. She wakes up a second later and sits up "huh what is it" she asked alarmed. "nothing I just thought you would be more comfortable in your bed" I explain laughing a little. She blushed "ohh" she said sounding embarrassed. I stood up "umm Cass hang on a minute" Kalina said standing up. I look at her confused "ok what's up" I asked. "come upstairs" she said. I nodded and we went upstairs she lead me to her office when we got inside she went to her computer. She turned it on and went to a file she saved and brought it up I leaned over her shoulder to read it. "this isnt good" I exclaime to Kalina who noded. She looked up at me "they have a right to know"Kalina told me. I sighed "to know what that Jean is a ghost who is trapped in a house like machine built by a man under demonic possession" I snap. I feel horrible as soon after I snapped at her. "you dont have to bite my head off" she said looking back at the computer. I look down at her "im sorry I didn't sorry" I say and walk out of the office and back to my room. I sat down at my desk and flipped my lamp off and just sat in the dark. My head is pounding and my back well the scratches burn stupid freaking Jackel I think as I'm getting up and going to the bathroom. I see the office door still open so I'm guessing Kalina is still in there I walk into the bathroom and close the door I take my shirt off I don't have a bra on because it would put to much pressure on the scratches. I turn to look in the mirror I see the bandages covered in blood "oh great" I say sarcastically. I hear a knock at the door "yea" I shout still looking in the mirror. "you ok in there" Kalina asked with concern in her voice. "umm not really" I say starting to feel light headed. I nearly lost my footing so I sat down on the toilet Kalina opened the door and saw my shirt on the ground. She picked it up and her eyes widened that's when I saw blood on the inside of my shirt. She helped me up and got me back to my room and sat me down on my bed instead of laying down I insisted on sitting up. Kalina left the room and came back with the first aid and sat down behind me "this is going to sting a little" Kalina said placing some thing on my back and she was right it stung like Hell so I winced. "sorry" she said I nodded. Whatever she was doing back there felt extremely good i let out a sigh. "ok lay down on your stomach we need to let your back breath then I'll bandage it back up" Kalina said getting up. I nodded and did as I was told "are you ok" I asked she nodded "yea I'm fine I'm going to grab the goze" she said leaving the room. 'Oh great I made her mad at me' I think resting my chin on the back of my hands looking at my head board. I didn't notice her come back in until I felt a gentle hand on my back. "don't tense up I'm just going to bandage you up" Kalina said soothingly. I felt her putting it on my back. "there you go" she said I sat up and went to my dresser and grabbed a shirt. "thanks Kalina" I said sitting back down on my bed. She sat down beside me "its no problem" she said looking at me. "I'm really sorry Kalina I didn't mean to snap at you"I apologize "its ok" she said. I didn't notice that we where leaning in until our lips touched she pulled away after a couple seconds. "I'm soo sorry I didn't mean to-"Kalina started but I cut her off by pulling her back to me and kissing her again. I haven't felt anything since Dana died but when I'm around Kalina something just clicks I cant explain it.

Cole's POV:

I'm sitting at my house watching TV when I get a call. I picked up the phone "hello" I say into the phone. "hey its Dennis I'm just calling to let you know tomorrow night I'm coming to pick you up we are going after the last ghost" he explained. I'm shocked right now "you and Cyrus have some nerve Dennis calling me after my best friend nearly died because of him" I hissed into the phone. He sighed

"Cole I'm sorry about that but Cyrus thinks she's up to something" Dennis said. "yea and Kalina would've been pissed if she died" I say laughing because I'm angry. "listen after tomorrow were done both of us" he says. "whatever" I say and hang up.

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