Chapter 1: I don't think we're in 1964 anymore

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It was 1964, and the Beatles were on the worldwide tour, they were currently in Australia, Ringo having re-joined them a few days back. Ringo was pleased to be back and the other three were happy to have their usual drummer back instead of Jimmy Nicol.

The four of them were celebrating Ringo's return one night: downing more alcohol than they should have.

"'ey, Rings!" John slurred setting down his drink, "Did you miss us?"

"This much!" Ringo stretched out his arms wide

"Aww Ringssy", John went to hug Ringo but ended up tripping over and all of them went into fits of laughter.

The party was soon over when a very angry Brian came in wearing his pyjamas.

"I can hear you from all the way down the hall and it's... nearly 3 o'clock in the morning!" Brian looked at his watch

"We're sorry Eppy, we just wanted to celebrate Ritchie coming back", George spoke like a child

"And you're all drunk as well? Really lads, we have a show tomorrow, go to bed at once", with a few groans, The Beatles clambered into bed and into the world of dreams.


Paul awoke to a monstrous headache and groaned. I'm never drinking again he thought as he sat up in bed. His head was throbbing and he felt the sensation that the room was bobbing. Then he noticed, the room WAS bobbing, infact, this wasn't even their hotel room. With the light filtering through the small window, he could see they were in a cabin, no larger than 2x2 metres, and they were in bunkbeds. He jumped up and turned to John who was sound asleep in the bed above his.

"John!" he hissed, shaking his friend.

"What Paul?" John moaned, "Arghh, my 'ead"

"Where are we?" Paul said nervously

"In the hotel room, where else would we be?" John said angrily.

"We're not, look around",  John sat up and looked around, his face fell.

"The fuck?"

Ringo and George were starting to stir too now.

"What's going on?" George asked hearing Paul and John's worried voices.

"We're... we're somewhere we don't know"

"What?" Ringo yawned. "Wait, how did we get here?"

"Exactly. Come on, let's find out where we are", Paul said standing up.

"Is there a light switch anywhere?" George asked, feeling the walls.

"No but there's a candle and matches here", Ringo said, lighting it up.

They looked around, they were in a filthy cabin, like on a boat in the 1900s. John looked out of the small circular window and gasped, "Lads, looks..." they were on a ship in the ocean.

"So, we're on some ship?" Paul questioned

"Not just some ship..." George was holding a leaflet that read 'White Star Line' on the front. He turned pale and looked up at his friends, "We're on the RMS Titanic"

"B-but The Titanic sunk in 19-something", John stuttered, "How could we be on it now?"

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