Part 10

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Your POV:

UGH! Where are all these friggin boys coming from?! One after another they come and ask me to prom, when I KNOW they're just after Yugi and his God Cards. (GRUMBLE) They have no interest in me.... they may say they wanna get to know me better..psssh...what a load of crap. If they really wanted to get to know me they would have done it a long time ago. Though....there is one person i wouldn't mind asking me....(Le blush)...Yugi. H-He's so nice and cute and...and (tiny squeal cause why not? ^-^)! But the thing is....i dont even know if he wants to go or not! I'm NOT the girly type to be honest...and i'm not pretty...(sigh) change with him are basically slim to none. So why even bother? (walks some more) "HEY (Y/N)~!" some guy calls to me. Oh no...another one..."Hi there Stephen! how are you?" i try to sound excited. pleasedontaskmepleasedontaskmepleasedontaskme. "I'm good! (Y/N)....i've been you wanna go to prom with me this Friday?" he asks. HE ASKED ME...(grumbles in head)..."Oh! Prom? Aw sorry! i cant go with you..." i say trying to sound bummed out. "And why the hell not?" he says disappointed. "CAUSE I DON'T WANNA FRIGGIN' GO!" I shout. Scared, he walks away. But...little did I know.....Yugi had seen the whole thing.

Yugi's POV:

So....she doesn't want to go then....(heavy sigh) I'll try to ask anyway... (Y/N)..... She'll probably be in a good mood after school. Unless some guys ask her....Probably not. Cause the guy she just turned down was a popular boy. He'll probably tell the other guys not to ask or stuff. I don't know how those guys im not gonna worry about it to much.

-After school-

"Hey (Y/N)!"

"Oh! hey there Panda boy!" she calls back. Heh....that's her cheesy nickname for me....kinda cute eh?

"Hey i wanna ask you something" I say trying to be calm.

"Sure! Ask away Baby Panda!"Yet another nickname for me. (sigh) were does she come up with these?

"Um...I-I was wondering....W-Wanna go to prom?" Subtle yugi....Subtle...I tell myself while mentally face palming and cussing. She stands there for a minute...well...more than a minute. To me it seemed like an eternity. Then she speaks the words i never in a million years she'd say.

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