Part 5

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( I wub dis song! fweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!)

-The Next Day-

Today is going to be great! I get to see yugi again! hehe! wait....since when did i become...girly? meh ill worry bout that later! time to get ready! i put on my black tights and skirt with my comfy black hoodie to top it off! mmmmm cozy! Now time to head to the Game Shop! when i get there...i see no yugi...hmm i wonder where yugi is....he called me this morning to wait for him here at the game shop! i dont see him anywhere...(dun ask how he got your phone number hehe) He should be here-"HI (Y/N)!" yugi calls from the window. i wave "Hi Yugi! common! were going to be late!" i yell...which is a first, im usually very quiet."Oh shoot your right! ill be right there!" Yugi say. Haha...what a scatterbrain. We make it to school right on time! Thank God...all thank to yugi suggesting we take the extra bikes. "OH too smol for thiiiiissss" yugi jokes around. "haha little shorty!" i say as i playfully punch his arm. hes such a goofball...and to think we've only been friends since last night! now were acting as if we've known each other for years! i guess that's how real friends ships are like. heh. I think i could get used to this. "shall we go inside m'lady?" yugi jokes as he opens the door. "We shall kind sir!" i giggle as we walk into the school building.

-After school-

"Today was great!" i say as i stretch my arms. "yea!" Yugi says laughing a bit." Hey you!" a boy calls to me. "W-who are you...?" i ask, going back to my shy and dark self. "follow me real quick!" he says. "N-No! why..?" i ask. "Don't ask questions! just come!" he says more sternly. Yugi tugs at my sweater shaking his head as to say no don't do it. i don't listen. "I'll be fine Yugi...i'll handle this." i say. then i go follow the boy.

Yugi's POV:

i dont like the look of this....shes been gone 10 minutes starting to worry.. ill go check and see if shes ok. <Yugi goes around the corner of the building>" (GASP) (Y/N)!!" I yell.

Yugi X Shy Reader (My Light Through The Dark Tunnel)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz