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I'm aroused from my unconsciousness by somebody making an inconceivable amount of commotion. My eyes focus on the light blue walls around me. In the corner of the room, I observe the appearance of someone resting in a seeming to be uncomfortable chair. They were clothed in a red sweater, fitted to perfection. It was practically made for them by the way it looked.

I attempt to raise myself off the twin bed, but I wind up falling back on the mattress groaning from the excruciating pain that races through my body. The unidentified individual perceives the groans emerging from my mouth and gets up from his seat, a few moans spilling from their lips. I eye them as they kneel down alongside the bed.

"Peter?" I questioned, thinking the boy was just an illusion of my imagination. It sadly wouldn't be the first time I visualized him.

"Yeah it's me. How are you feeling?" He asked. His manner proved that he was deeply concerned for my health.

"I'm still feeling infuriated and saddened with you," I whispered, closing my eyes so he wouldn't see me aching over him. Peter raised his hand to my face and caressed my cheek with his tender touch. My eyelids flickered open and my eyes center on Peter. He had sorrow in his lovely brown eyes and I could see that he wanted to cry. A small gasp tumbles from my mouth as I finally come across the huge black eye he was sporting.

"Your eye." My voice is almost completely silent as I reach out to his face. He flinches at my touch and I yank my hand back immediately. He grasps my hand into his and slowly positions it upon his bruised eye again. "Peter, I'm sorry."

He stares at me in bewilderment. When he finally speaks, his voice is soft. "This isn't your fault, Hadley. You have no reason to be---"

"I'm apologizing for having intentions to cause harm to you. I'm apologizing for taking my anger out on you for no reason. Most of all, I'm apologizing for not respecting you enough to understand why you didn't tell me who you were. I don't deserve you, Peter, because at the end of the day, I'm still the girl who isn't going to be good enough for you."

"You know, Hadley Campbell, I find it to be really absurd for you to say that, because you are so god damn good enough." He was on his feet now, pacing around the small room that I assumed was his.

I hoisted myself up off the bed, ignoring the agonizing pain running through me. Peter caught a glimpse of me and rushed over, trying to get me to lay back down. I clenched ahold of his red sweater and brought him closer, the space between us vanishing like it was never there. His hands naturally wrapped around my waist as an instinct.

"I declared to myself that I wasn't going to get comfortable with a guy anytime soon. The purpose of it all just seemed to much for me. I have always been afraid of getting to close with someone, because getting close means the possibility of rejection and the thought of it terrified me more than anything I've ever encountered. But, that day you plowed me over in the school hall made something inside of me change. It made me doubt what I told myself. Because, now when I look at you, the idea of us being together makes me forget about every saying that. You shattered my walls down and I'm still striving to figure out how you did it. So with that, I just want to say that you have made me one of the most joyful girls in just a short amount of time and for that, I'm no longer afraid to say that I have fallen completely in love with you, Peter Parker."

He was awestruck by my words, and I desperately wanted to crash my lips onto his. As if he read my mind, his mouth collided with mine. In that moment, nothing else mattered anymore except the way our mouths molded together perfectly. It was an indescribable feeling, the feeling of his soft lips against mine.

His hands around my waist made me feel safe and protected, and the tingling sensation they were leaving was exhilarating. The sound of our heartbeats growing faster each second rings in my ears.

Peter untangles his lips from mine and I swear a whimper surfaces from my mouth at the loss of contact. Our foreheads were still pressed together, our breathing heavy. I open my eyes and see his ravishing brown ones gazing back at me.

A broad smile forms on my lips as I process what just happened, "wow."

"I am hopelessly and helplessly in love with you and I have been since the seventh grade. When your mom died, I wanted nothing more then to be able to wrap my arms around you and be there for you, but I was just me. You had Riley and Derek to lean on and I longed to be in their position. The day I plowed you over was one of the best days of my life, because you knew my name and you didn't treat me like some freak accident. And now, I have one of the most beautiful girls standing in front of me and I feel like I'm dreaming and soon May is going to walk in and throw water on me."

I chuckle at the comment about May, before smiling and letting him continue.

"But, this is real and I can say that I am completely honored to be here with you and if it's okay, I'd love to take you out on a proper date." He gave me a nervous look, one where his eyes were blank and I could see that he was trying to keep his anxiety down.

"I would like that a lot," I whispered, my hands moving up and around his neck and embracing him into a warm hug. His arms squeezed me tightly, the pain becoming numb to me because I had never felt so happy. I let out a small giggle, as Peter picked me up and spun me around.

While we were continuously spinning, neither of us noticed that May had slipped into the room. "Well if you two lovebirds are finished, I need to talk to Hadley for a moment."

Peter stopped in his tracks, our heads turning to face May. He put me back down on the ground and I gave him a small smile. He returned the gesture, and I followed May to the living room. I knew Peter was going to hear every bit of this conversation due to his heightened sense, so panic started to roll over me.

When we were seated comfortably on the couch, she sent me a solemn smile. "Have you told him about what happened with your father yet?"

I shook my head. I knew that once I started to gain back my happiness, something was going to come and destroy it. Sobs filled the room, as I thought about the occurrence. May placed her arm around me and my head fell onto her shoulder as I broke down again due to the loss of my father.

Peter's bedroom door flew open and he hurried over, a piece of him breaking as he took in the sight of my suffering. He sat down on the couch beside me, and gave May a look of distraught. He grabbed ahold of me, removing me from May's shoulder and allowing me to burry myself into him. My head rested against his chest as the tears continued to spill down my face.

"Please don't abandon me. I can't lose you. I've already lost enough." It came out very soft and light, but loud enough for both of them to understand. Peter and May shared a moment of somber expressions, before he faintly whispered, "I'm not going anywhere."



Please don't mind me over here sobbing my eyes out. I'm fine seriously. I don't really like making my author's notes long, so I just wanted to say that I hope you are having a fantastic week so far and to make sure to smile sometime today. See ya in the next chapter!

Power of Love (Peter Parker) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang