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The sun poured through the small window and onto the tiled floor. My eyes opened slowly to the brightness that spilled through my eyelids. Outside of my door, I could hear the voices of people chatting and wheelchairs rolling up and down the hallway. A few laughs were shared between the people who stood beyond the door and then a loud knock transpired.
"Come in!" I shouted out loud enough for the people at the door to hear. They opened the door and an unfamiliar woman stepped in first, accompanied by my doctor. My eyebrows knitter together in confusion at the unknown woman.
"Doctor Smith, can you give us a minute?" I ask. The situation was absurd seeing as though I had never seen this woman before in my entire life, but she obviously knew me for her to show up here. He nodded his head in my direction and showed himself to the door. A heavy sigh escaped my lips when he pulled the door closed behind him. I glance back over to the woman and notice that she is sending me a genuine smile.
"Do I know you?" I lift my body up off the bed and let my feet dangle over the side. Her face turns a sort of pale, and she makes her way towards me, offering her hand. "Where are my manners? I'm sorry, I'm May. I'm Peter Parker's aunt."

I can only give her my hand as I repeat what she just said in my head. Peter Parker's aunt, how lovely. I look at her with a look of uncertainty, then lift my index finger to my mouth and chew on the nail. After a few minutes, I realize that I wasn't being very friendly, so I move my hand back to my lap and try to pick up the conversation where it left off. "It's nice to meet you, May. Is everything okay with Peter? Did something happen?" May laughs a little, shaking her head, "No, Peter is fine. He actually just sent me to check on you."

A small smile plays at my lips as I think about Peter begging his aunt to come make sure I was okay. It was a sweet gesture, especially since I told him to go to hell. But, then a thought crossed my mind. How did Peter know I was in here?
"May? Did Peter mention a word about why I was in here?" I ask.
"He said he heard it from some students around school. Apparently the word spread like wildfire last night. Everyone is thinking of you," she answered my question, coming to sit on the bed beside me. I nod, "Great, just what I need. Sympathy for the helpless girl who got beaten by her father. They should just let it go. My goodness."

May shoots me a sad smile and wraps her arm around my shoulder. "You know, Hadley. When I look at you, I see a much stronger girl than you make yourself out to be."
I lean my head on her shoulder, "Because I am. But, the power of love has been breaking me lately."
"Love is very powerful, but it isn't love if they lay a hand on you."
"I know. I wasn't just speaking about my father."

After May and I had a long conversation about Peter and his several priceless moment, Doctor Smith came in and gave me the clear. I was delightful to go home, but then I remembered that I wasn't going to be able to call home my mom much longer since I wouldn't be able to keep up with all of the bills on my own.
"Hadley, why don't I take you home to gather your things and you can join Peter and I at our apartment. I don't mind and I'm positive Peter won't mind." May looked at me wishfully, nodding to assure me that it was okay. Although her offer was rather generous, I couldn't accept. I had family in town that would let me crash at their place.
"May, that's really sweet of you, but I can't. You don't have to offer--" I was cut off by her pleading, "No I insist. Please just accept the fact that I'm not taking no for an answer." I chuckled at how much she reminded me of a child at heart. "Okay, I'll stay. But, only for a couple of nights."


I piled clothes into my flower-patterned duffle bag my mother bought for me when we went to Texas in sixth grade. May noticed a photograph of my mother and I sitting atop the oak nightstand by my bed and grabbed it.
"You should take this. Peter and I would love to hear about her."
I retrieved the picture from her and held it close to me, admiring the beauty of the memory. "I can't wait to tell you two all about her."

We made our way down the stairs and I stopped abruptly in the middle of the hallway. May noticed and turned to see what I was doing. My gaze stayed on the kitchen floor where blood and grape juice stained the hard floor. I followed the mess to see my phone where I left it.
"My phone!" I ran over and picked it up from the ground. It was completely dead, but it could be charged and that somehow made it okay.
"Are you ready?" She asks.
"Yeah, I'm ready." I followed her down the narrow hallway and took one last look, before I closed the door.

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