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The sunlight shines down on her from across the field of lilies. The meadow opens before me, and the sound of a river flows nearby, and the woods enveloped us completely to prevent our depart. Birds chirped peacefully from all around us. Across the meadow, she hummed a little tune so simple, but breathtaking. The wind blew through the trees, causing the branches to sway, and the white sundress that clothed my body to flutter with the breeze. Her hair blew wildly as she let the wind take her away.

"Mom!" I called out to her retreating figure. Just like someone blowing out a candle, the wind suddenly died down, and her body came to a stop. She turned back slowly, and I smiled a little bit seeing her face light up like a Christmas tree.

She was as beautiful as I remembered her last, but somehow even more. Seeing her walk towards me made my heart race. I couldn't take it anymore. Gripping the end of my dress, I sprinted through the field towards her. The lilies danced uncontrollably as I ran past each one. Slowing down, her arms remained open, ready for the impact of my body. Just like that, I crashed into her body and caught her in a tight bear hug. Tears of joy ran down my face at the touch of her presence. The familiar perfume she would continually wear flooded my nose.

She pulled away from the embrace and moved her hands to cup my face. Her brown eyes settle into my green ones. She wipes away the tears that have managed to fall down my face. "My baby, look at you. You're so beautiful."

"I missed you so much," I whispered, my voice trembling. Once again, she used her soft, delicate hands to wipe the tears that had begun to fall away. From the corner of my eye, a bright light emerged in the middle of the meadow, and I knew it was time for her to go, and for me to come to a decision.

"Sweetie, I want you to listen to me. I have to go now, but I don't want you to follow me. You have a long life ahead of you, Hadley. Live my love. When your time comes, I'll be here waiting."

I can't, not without you," I cried out to her, "please don't leave me. Not again." I thought I knew enough to make my decision, but this wasn't easy. I was torn when I didn't want to be. She pointed at my chest, directly where the heart was located. "I'm always here, baby. You just have to think of me."

I watched as my world came crashing down in front of me. Her lips attach to my forward and then there is nothing. Her body moves toward the light, and I feel the intense pain of my heart shattering into millions of pieces. As she reached the light, she turns to me, "just live, Hadley. I love you." And with that, she steps into the light and there is nothing.

I awake with a start. A numerous amount of loud sounds fill the room immediately. Within seconds, the door is flying open and nurses are running into my room. "She's awake!"

They all crowd around me, some of them checking vitals, some pushing buttons on the monitors beside my bed, and some of them just hovering in pure shock. I lay my head back on my pillow and let my mind roam to different places. I found myself thinking of my mother and my hand slowly lifted to my heart. One of the nurses must've thought something was wrong, cause he quickly asked why my hand was resting there and if I was in pain.

"It's where my mom is," I whispered, remembering what my mother had told me. He stared down at me and nodded with solemn dignity, "don't ever forget that."

Each of the nurses piled out through the door and I was left in silence. After a few minutes of solitude, recognizable faces entered the room. One by one, each superhero huddled around me like a waddle of penguins. All of them wore the brightest smiles, my favorite being Peter's.

"Hi," I spoke from the uncomfortable hospital bed. I caught a glimpse of Steve standing in the corner, and I noticed the wrenched look plastered on his face.

"You look awful," Tony said in a joking manner. Everyone shoved him and I couldn't help but feel a little bad.

"Thanks, Tony," I chuckled, before turning back to Steve. His eyes were trained on the walls now that were nothing but plain white. I glanced back at the others, "can you give Steve and I a minute to talk?"

They all nodded and waved their goodbyes, before they all fled the room, one-by-one. Steve still hovered in the corner, almost as if he was terrified of getting to close. I almost couldn't resist getting out of the hospital bed, but it was in my best interest to lay there so I didn't cause any more harm to myself.

"Steve, what's going on?" I asked. "Did something happen? Are you alright?"

"I killed your father." He said, not letting his eyes leave the wall. "I just couldn't stop myself. After I heard what he had done to you, and what he did to your mom. I lost it. You don't deserve that. He didn't deserve you."

I shook my head. "Please, don't beat yourself up about it. He may not of deserved my mom and I, but he deserved what you served him. For two years, I lived with that monster, unaware of what he had done in the past, and then just like that he turned on me. I can't thank you enough, Steve Rogers. You're not a monster, Steve. You can never be."

"You, Hadley Campbell, are one of the strongest individuals I have ever met. Your mother would be proud of you." Steve finally took a seat in one of the chairs near my bed, and the intensity of the room disappeared quickly.

"I know she is. I talked to her," I whispered, as I played around with my fingers, noticing each line and vein that ran through them. He caught my eye as I looked back at him, and he smiled. We chatted for awhile, laughing hard at stories of my mother and I and talking about what she said to me. I felt comfortable with Steve; He was like the older brother I had always dreamed of having. After awhile, someone knocked on the door. They opened it and in stepped Peter.

"I-uh, is it okay if I talk with you for a few minutes?" His hand reached up to the back of his neck and scratched at it nervously. Steve let out a small laugh and nodded, "I'll be out in the waiting room if you need anything."

Once he was out, Peter walked in and sat in the chair that Steve had preoccupied before. He reached over and grabbed my hand. "I was so scared. The only thought that ran through my mind was that I can't lose you, not after I just got you. Seeing you lying on the floor, lifeless and bloody, changed everything for me. It put everything in a new perspective. I can't always protect you. You're going to make decisions that I don't agree with, because that's who you are. You think that you can save the city and it's people, but you don't think about saving yourself. I can't see you get hurt, Hadley. I can't do this anymore."

"But," I started, but he cut me off.

"Hadley, I like you. I've liked you since the seventh grade, but I liked you because you were you. You weren't the girl who puts herself in dangerous situations like you do now. You almost died. I can't deal with losing anyone else. I've lost enough and so have you." He stood and looked down at me, his eyes locked into mine. He slowly leant down and placed a kiss on my forehead, before heading for the door.

"Peter, please wait," I called out to him, but it was too late. He had already shut the door behind him, and left me in here to rip myself apart.

"I thought this was going to be easy mom," I whispered as the tears rolled down my face.

Oh... well this was so hard to write. Although it was hard to write, I don't think it could have turned out any better. Don't worry, great things take time.

I hope you all are having a great week so far. Have a great morning, afternoon, or night everyone and make sure to smile!

Till next time!

Power of Love (Peter Parker) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora