Help me heal

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This story was requested by my bestie JordynSchneider1227, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I hope she does!

Here we go...

        "Aghhhh... Mumphrg...... Gahh ahhh..." You lay in the middle of a grassy field, gasping in pain as your partner, Steve Rogers, examines your wounds.

        "Sorry, this burn is really bad. I can't begin to imagine what it feels like." Steve shakes his head and looks at you apologetically.

        "Why, mmmph, is it me? Why am I always the one that gets screwed up? That guy, Steve, gagh, He glowed red, like when you stick metal into a fire, AghAh." Talking doesn't hurt as much as moving, but is still causes you excruciating pain. You grimace as you try to stand. Steve gently holds you back.

        "(Y/N), you aren't walking like this. I'll carry you back to the jet..." He gives you a stern look as you roll your eyes at the thought of him valiantly scooping you up and hauling you to safety. You can't protest, even though you want to, because you know it won't do any good. You let him pick you up and you wince in pain. "Sorry, (Y/N/N), you okay?" His brow creases in concern and you nod your head.

        Steve has been your partner for two years, and he's never failed to help you out of a sticky situation. Which is good, because you tend to get yourself into a lot of those. Like today on a routine mission, when you stumbled across one of hydra's experiments and he opened up a can of whoop-ass on you. You did not see that coming, especially when he started to glow red. You tried to call for back-up, but he ended up meting your earpiece. Steve was pissed when he found you, and it cost the team an extra half hour because of the searching they had to do. But he seems considerably less pissed now, as he stares at your face, apologizing a million times over with his eyes. you wince again when he takes a step up into the jet and a tear rolls down your face. He sets you down on the long bench and tells Natasha to grab him the first-aid kit. He stays next to you for the whole flight and even carries you inside the facility when you get there, but by now you're too tired and burnt to protest. the last thing you remember is Steve's face as he sets you down on the table in  one of the labs.

        You wake up in your bed and turn your head to look around. You see Steve sitting in a chair on the right side of the bed, eyes closed, dreaming. You grab his hand and squeeze.

        "On your left." you whisper as his eyes flutter open. He smiles as he takes in your face.

        "Hey, lazy bones. I didn't know if you were gonna wake back up. I thought I might have to find myself a new partner." He teases you, and you smirk.

        "Nope, you're stuck with me for life, lucky you." His smile widens and he squeezes your hand back, slipping his fingers between yours. You try to sit up farther and shudder at the stab of pain coming from your stomach. you lift your shirt and gaze at your abdomen. There's a large hand-shaped burn in your tender flesh, and it feels just as bad as it looks. "That's not going away anytime soon, is it?" you groan as Steve shakes his head.

        "Unless you want to use the cradle... it's up and running again."

        "Not a chance. " You shake your head and your hair flops into your face.

        "Don't worry," He shifts out of the chair and onto your bed, wrapping an arm around you, "I'll help you heal." You smile up at him and lean your head against his chest. This is going to be a long rehabilitation.

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