Chapter 1

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Hey! My name is Madison, and I'm fourteen years old. I live in Phoenix, Arizona right next door from my best friend Hunter Rowland. You're probably wondering if I'm talking about THE Hunter Rowland. The answer is, yes, I am. He and I have been best friends since birth, and you'll almost never see me without Hunter, or the other way around. We're pretty much inseparable. Anyways, I should probably tell you what I look like. I have darker dirty blonde hair, that has natural blonde highlights, and during the summer, it kind of naturally ombre's itself. I'm 5'4, so I guess you could say I'm pretty tall. I'm skinny, but I'm not so skinny that you can see my bones, so basically I'm skinny but I also have curves. My favorite season is summer, because I'm white as the clouds. My favorite colors are light blue, and a really light shade of purple. My hobbies are broadcasting on Younow, and sometimes making youtube videos. I play a few sports too. I used to be a cheerleader, but now I run track, and sometimes I like to go to martial arts classes, just for fun. I have two siblings, and they are my older sister Rachel who is 17, and my younger brother Tyler who is 9. I have a small square of friends, but that's alright because I'd rather have a few real friends than one thousand fake ones. My friends are Harper, who is 13, Lexi, she's also 13, Olivia, she's 13, Ava, she's 13 too, Bailey, she's 14, Grace, who is also 14, and let's not forget Hunter, who is 14 as well. My mom drives a black 2016 Cadillac Escalade, and my sister drives a black 2017 Audi A4 Sudan. We also have a black 2016 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Black Bear, but we don't use it much. You're probably wondering about my dad. Well, just like Hunter's dad, mine left too. He left the day that my brother was born. I don't know why he left, and I probably never will, because his name is basically forbidden in our house. I do online school now because I used to be bullied a lot, but I'm allowed to play sports at my old school if I keep my grades up. I know I may be a pretty boring person, but I'm pretty satisfied with the life I live.

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