Chapter Seven

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Again so sorry for the late update, I'm having some problems with my health. I'm okay just dealing with a lot.

And as always please be kind and enjoy!

Work and Play

I walked out of the seventh store downtown that I tried to apply to work for. For the seventh time today I was turned away. Either no one needed any extra help, or they weren't willing to give a violent teenage girl a job. Word gets around in small towns and everyone knew about my little altercation with Sharif Greene's daughter. I adjusted my sunglasses and pulled on my blazer, I even dressed up and everything. I hate wearing this outfit but I'm trying to make a good impression, so far it's not working. I sighed and continued walking down the street, feeling my frustration growing in my gut.

I needed to get a job as soon as possible if I wanted to keep living here. My uncle had given me a six month grace period to find one. I'm glad he's a reasonable man, when I called him this morning I expressed my concerns about the future job search and he understood. As far as the court date is concerned I'm looking at a couple of months being unable to attend school, and I did not want to become a super senior. I was considering just dropping out and getting my GED. I haven't brought this idea to my uncle yet, he'd be more open to it if I got a job.

My stomach grumbled and I remembered I hadn't eaten anything since this morning. There was a new cafe on the corner that I noticed before. An idea crossed my mind, if I go buy some food and coffee maybe I could ask if they need anyone to help work. It's a new cafe so my chances are high. As I walked in I was met with the smell of fresh coffee and bread, which brought a smile to my face. The man behind the counter was tall and lean, he looked like he could be in his early to mid 20's. He had perfectly tousled mahogany hair, and an angular jaw with just the right amount of stubble. As I approached the counter he smiled at me, blue eyes gleaming. He leaned on the counter with his heavily tattooed and muscular arms, resting this face in his hands. My god, he was beautiful. I need to work here.

"Hello, and welcome to Koloman Cafe!" he said brightly, "My name is Isaac Koloman, owner of this fine establishment! How may I serve you today ma'am?"

"Well, I was just looking for a place to get a mocha," I said trying to stay smooth, he was the manager I had to make a good impression before asking about work.

"You came to the right place darlin'" Mr. Koloman said with a grin, I almost sank to my knees, "Is that all for you?"

" you have sandwiches?" I asked hopefully, I mean I smell bread so he must have some sort of sandwich.

"I sure do!" He said picking out a large mug, "Turkey okay? I don't really have any options yet, just opened a few days ago."

"Oh?" Here was my chance, "Are you looking for any help?"

"I am," he gave me a sly smile, "Are you asking me for a job?"

"," My face heated up immediately, "I would like to work yes. I have barista experience, and food serves experience."

Mr. Koloman smiled kindly and reached under the counter and presented me with an application.

"Tell you what," he said, eyes glimmering, "I'll trade you your order for this application. Fill it out here and I'll look it over while you eat. If I like what I see we'll talk afterward."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2016 ⏰

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