Chapter Two

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It's a good thing I didn't have a class after English, because I was in no mood to be around people until lunch. I used the time to get more accustomed to the school so I wouldn't get lost anymore. The school was old and like a maze in some parts. The library caught my eye as I explored, I took note that it could be a place I could spend this time in the future. This school was bigger then I ever imagined. When I was little I thought it was a castle, it looked a lot like a castle. It was an old school. I even thought vampires lived in the top of the school' bell tower. That was due to the fact I saw bats fly out of the top once. I was a huge Scooby Doo fan may brain instantly thought vampire.

Checking my phone I realized that I was almost time for lunch and I started down to the cafeteria. I made it there just as everyone else did and was swept up in trying to find a place to sit. Thank goodness I brought me own lunch. After a bit of searching, the only place I could find to sit that wasn't completely full or reserved was the other end of a table with a group of juniors. They ignored me for the most part, only acknowledging me with a slight nod when I asked if I could sit there. They talked pretty loudly and I couldn't help but eavesdrop to pass the time. The group consisted of three girls and one boy, and from what I could gather their names were, Kayla, Rachel, Amber, and DJ. I ate while they talked about things I didn't really care about like their classes. I was the oldest one at the table considering I was turning 18 in a few weeks, and I was a senior. Usually I avoid underclassmen, but this was the only place to really sit.

"Oh, look!" Amber gushed suddenly "There's Viktor!" I looked up from my sandwich, mouth still full. That caught my attention. I was down to her some gossip on this dude. I kinda dug him and he was the only interesting person in this whole damn school. I chewed slower as I turned to see Viktor walk into the cafeteria. He looked a little annoyed. Every time I see this boy he has a different expression on his face. Just one more think that made me interested.

"I still can't believe how cute he got over the summer!" Kayla said Amber nodded in agreement. Does that mean he got like a makeover or something? Was he not cute before? I doubted it.

Rachel nodded her head, "I know! It's weird last year he was kinda' gross. Like zits, greasy hair...and he was kinda' chubby" she said wrinkling her nose, "I mean he was kinda cute, but in a sad nerd sort of way" I looked at Viktor again just to make sure he was for real, his skin was smooth and his hair was clean, not to mention he had a lean muscular build. So we are going with makeover I guess.

"And he got taller" Kayla said. I'd guess he was about 6'2", much taller than me. Man, was I really going to start crushing on this guy? I was only the first day! Damn my hormones work fast. My face soured as Internally scolded myself for having a crush on the first day.

"He's a little freaky if you ask me" DJ said "He suddenly got good at sports? I saw him running around the track the other day, it was unreal! I don't remember him ever being athletic. If he went to some tricked out summer camp I wanna know where he went!" DJ huffed and crossed his arms, I could tell his tone was thick with jealousy and suspicion. He friends laughed and scolded him for being mean.

"OMG!" Did Amber seriously use a texting shortcut in an actual sentence? "He's looking over here!" Hearing that, I couldn't help myself, I looked over to where Viktor was sitting, and sure enough he was staring over at the table where I was sitting. Right at me. Again. What was his deal anyway? I may have thought the dude was cute but all the staring was getting kinda creepy.

I stood up and collected my trash, truth be told I was still hungry; I just had enough of the staring. My next class was Gym, so I wandered over to the gymnasium a bit early so I could talk to the coach. See, I didn't have a change of clothes for gym. I honestly forgot I needed them. Apparently this school chose to ignore that I had all my gym credits in order to graduate. Guess they didn't want me having too much free time.

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