Chapter Six

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Hello!! Thank you so much for continuing to read this story!

We are back with Dahlia now!

Please vote and comment and as always be nice and enjoy!

This chapter is dedicated to two people, @tawneydraven and @Sav_renae both of them have been supper supportive and I appreciate both of their feedback. Thank you both!!!

Also sorry for the lateness! I had some serious writers block. And then Pokemon Go came out and I really had to catch 'em all...


My neck was bruised. Exactly where something bit me in my dream, a big ugly purple bruise. That was a dream right? I shuddered and touched the tender spot on my neck. There is absolutely no way in hell I can go to sleep after this. No way. Not only was I one hundred percent awake now, but I was thoroughly freaked out. I made my way into my bedroom and glanced at my alarm clock for the time. It was only one in the god damn morning, which means I only slept for like three and a half hours. Perfect.

I groaned in frustration at the situation. With my hand still on my neck I walked out to my TV room and switched it on. Time for some brain rot. I didn't want to think and let my imagination just create more anxiety for me about that dream. My dreams lately have only involved Viktor and not just that they have been vivid and weird. My dreams have always sort of been like that though, vivid, scary, ominous, and they always seemed to be relevant to what was happening with my life. As far as I know my mother was the same way, and so was my grandmother. In fact now that I'm thinking about this, my grandma once told me that one of my ancestors made a small living as a dream reader during the civil war. Maybe this dream thing ran in the family.

My mind trailed off as I turned on my favorite show, "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," I know it's kind of a campy show but I grew up with it. I may not totally favor Buffy herself but it was worth it for the character Spike alone. He was my first television crush, with his whole Billy Idol look and that accent was killer. No pun intended. I smiled, this show was the perfect way to forget my dream, or to at least put thinking about it on hold for a while. Oliver jumped up onto my lap and fell asleep only making me more comfortable.

* * *

I must have dozed off because I was woken up quite suddenly to loud knocking on the front door as well as the buzzing of the doorbell. I groaned and rubbed my head, who ever it was wasn't going away anytime soon. I grabbed a bathrobe because I was still in just my underwear and jogged upstairs to answer the door. Damn, whoever is at the door never heard of the word "patience."

"I'm coming! Hold your horses!" I yelled, a little grumpy from lack of true sleep. My pace slowed when I saw who was at my door as I rounded the corner. I could see him through the glass on the door. The fucking Sheriff is here. I felt all the color drain from my face and my stomach turned to ice. My hand was trembling as I opened the door. This was the worse trouble I had ever gotten myself into. Sure I've fought before and gotten in trouble with my school or my parents, but never the cops. I was honestly scared, I didn't know what would happen to me. Not to mention it was my word against the Sheriff's daughter. I'm so boned.

The Sheriff was a large man, fit, and possibly in his forties. He wasn't smiling as I opened the door. He was actually looking very cross with me, his mouth in a thin line and his jaw was set. I pulled at my bathrobe to cover myself better, now extremely embarrassed and uncomfortable.

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