"Of course she forgot to mention that..."

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Above picture is Narcissa. Cast as Megan Fox.


Once again, My aunt had decided to open her closet of illegal drugs and was sky high by the time Cressida and me got home. I could smell the herbs before we even opened the door. I took one sniff and looked at my sister, who was reflecting my stank face. I sighed and tried to get one last breath of fresh air before we entered the house...which was filled with smoke. We blindly went in, hoping to find Aunt Leda in the living room where she enters her drug induced stupors.

"Yep," I said as I entered the living room, seeing her sitting on the couch with a hookah, inhaling the smoke, "Back in the habit?"

"I guess," Cressida mumbled.

"Yeaaaaaaaahh," Aunt Leda stretched out and giggled. I rolled my eyes and silently cast an incantation to clear the smoke. The air quality went from a 0 to a 6 immediately. I sighed, glad that the air was cleaner, though the remnant scent of the drugs was still in the air. I got a clear look at Aunt Leda, seeing how young she looked, despite her other activites. Clear skin that required minimal makeup to enhance, long golden hair, and a curvy figure that makes a lot of grown men in town forget why they should hate her. She was able to keep that because of magic...magically. Hopefully I would be as beautiful as her one day. I already knows my sister's reached that beauty and perfection already. The perfect proportions to her perfect body, and she doesn't even try.

But I have to focus on my magic to learn how to look perfect, I thought and gave myself a small smile. Aunt Leda looked at me and smiled also, but her eyes looked distant. Yep. She was still high.

"How was your first day of school?" She asked and we both provided the same answer: "Meh."

"That's good. Go do your homework.  Dinner's at sunset," she said and my sister and me looked at each other.

"Um...Aunt Leda?" Cressida started.


"You have to sign the papers for us," I finished and Aunt Leda rolled her eyes and groaned.

"I hate paperwork," she complained and held her hand out, "To avoid the time, have the papers signed."

I felt the familiar woosh of magic focused on our backpacks. I didn't have to look to know that every sheet of paper was signed.

"There. Go do some practice," she said and we nodded silently before sneaking upstairs.

Please don't say I need to practice my summoning spells, I pleaded silently in my mind.

"Narcissa, don't forget to practice your summoning spells!" She shouted.

Damn it.


I focused on the book. That stupid book. It was just so stubborn that it didn't want to go from my nightstand to my hand. I shook my head and glared at Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Stupid book. I tried to concentrate harder, visualizing the movement of the book moving. Leaving the nightstand and levitating all the way to my open and impatient hand.


I groaned and turned from the table. I was about to give up. Then something hit my head.

I turned around, ready to yell at whoever threw something at me, but realized two things. One: There was no one in my room except me. Two: the book had moved.


I picked it up and set it down on the nightstand again and took a couple of steps back, giving more distance between me and the book. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I could do this. I did it again. I could do it again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2016 ⏰

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