I saw Lucy with the shirt she was on before with ripped jeans and flat shoes. Well, it looked so warm. *Sarcasm* *sarcasm*

"Let's go." She said and we walked out together. The breeze hit my body and I shivered. So cold! I should wore my sweatshirt!

Lucy walked to the car and she didn't even look like she's cold or something. She opened the car's door and hop in. "Get in!" She shouted and i popped in to the passenger seat.

"You don't feel cold?" I asked as she drove the car to the human's town.

I saw her looking straight to my eyes and nodded. "Of course i do, i just don't show it off. And i'm accustomed in cold. I was born in winter, you know that, right?" She said and chuckled. I chuckled but i can see her lying. She looked away when she said that. Did werewolf didn't feel cold? Did they always feel warm? But i'm a werewolf and i feel cold.

'You know, when humans have flaws such as defects , allergies , etc , werewolf can also have it because you're only a human if I'm not here.' Audrey informed. 'Do you understand what i mean?'

Well it makes sense. Maybe i just have some descent that sensitive in cold.

"Cmon! We're arrived." I saw Lucy mouthed and knocked on my window. Gosh! Ethan was right. I blocked out way too much.

I hopped out from the car. "Sorry, i didn't know we're arrived. I was just talking to my wolf." I said.

"Yeah, don't worry, i know how it feels." Lucy pulled my wrist and we walked into a crowded restaurant.

"Can we eat somewhere else? I hate crowds." I mumbled behind Lucy.

"Nope. We're not going to eat. We will walk pass the crowd to the back field of the restaurant." Lucy shouted when we rushed toward the crowd. I huffed and just walked behind her.

There was a pink painted door in front of us and i think that was where Lucy walked to. The door was quite small for a proper door and it was a girly door.

"Come on!" Lucy walked in to the room and waited for me to walk closer. I can see a lot of girls in there. Another crowds, hmm...

"I told you i hate crowds." I refused.

"I just want you to meet my best friend." She begged. "Come on, A! You're no fun!"

"Oh come on Luce!" I mocked when she made a puppy face. "Fine! Ugh!" I said and walked into the room.

Well, it's not a room. It was a back field just like what Lucy told me. There were so much girls all over the place but not as crowded as the restaurant. The girls were chatting, laughing, drinking, and dancing, just like the normal girls do on a party but it was an all girls party. No boys, no idiotic dancing, just a friendship girls party.

It was kinda weird, but you know, we, werewolf didn't do any party like human's. Why? Of course because we have our own mate. If our mate found out we make out with another girl or guy, then we're done. (Don't remind me that Ethan make out with another girl, okay? It still hurt!)

'You just reminded it your self, idiot!' Something was wrong with my wolf. She was so moody lately. After the reject incident, she changed. She usually talked to me and said funny things that light up my dark world, now, she talked to me like i was unknowledgeable in everything!

"You blocked out again. Mind to tell me?" Lucy clapped her hand on my shoulder that woke me back to the world.

"Sorry. It was just, hmm i have so much in mind." I said and smiled. "Where're your friend? Can we talk to her somewhere else?" I asked and search for someone near us. The girls still focused with their own activities.

"She was here when you keep silent like a statue." She chuckled. I gave her my surprised look but deep down, i was so happy about that. "Well, she told me she will visit our pack tomorrow, so i think you're useless to go here."

"Why don't you slap me when i blocked out like that? That's embarrassing!" I punched her shoulder and she hissed in pain. (I really punched her, my bad)

"I tried okay! But i told you, you acted like a statue." She shouted, annoyed. Did i really blocked out like that? I didnmt even feel like i blocked out that long. "See!" She shouted and pulled me to where we're walked in. The restaurant was still crowded when i passed it.

"You need to tell me everything." She said when we walked to the car.

"Can you release my hand? My hand is freezing." I clapped my hand and rubbed it to my shoulder when Lucy let my hand free. Lucy looked straightly at me with her serious look.

"You are not a werewolf."


1532 Words
26 Juli 2016

Oh god! I'm so busy i'm so busy i'm so busy! I'm sorry if i update late someday. It's just.. Agh school sucks!

Oh yeah, What do you think about the chapter? Please ignore the errors here.. I posted it without even checking it soo... Yeah, sorry..

Oh yeah, comment, vote and share!

Thanks guys!

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