“Sorry bout that, wanted to see I could lift people. And I’m Chloe” I said smiling at them both knowing that was about as big of a sentence I could manage for the time being

------------------------Bella’s pov-------------------------------

I didn’t want twins. I wanted a child, just one so I could spoil and give them everything they wished for. Was that so much to ask for?

“Bella, Edward. This is your other daughter Chloe” Rosalie said loud and clear. The child was smiling at us

“She is pretty I must admit” I said playing with Nessie’s hair once again

Edward dint even reply, he got up and walked to the window watching the forest and nature outside

The next thing I knew Chloe was walking out the front door

Good, I can breathe properly and not feel like I’m being watched constantly

-------------------------------Chloe pov---------------------------------------

I was still sitting on the swing

One of the guys I learnt was Jacob- the werewolf- had gone inside moments after I told them I was Chloe, the twin sister of Nessie

But the other guy was called Seth a really unusual name. He was really good looking I gotta say must be because he is also a werewolf. He came and sat beside me swinging us

“So Chloe how old are you?” he asked

I hate people right now

Omg I sound like Jasper

“Bout eight now” I said. Talking to him was helping my speech

“You don’t look eight though” he said confused

“No, Eight Hours” I corrected smiling at him

“Well erm okay. One second” he said standing up and walking inside

I just nodded

Everyone is going to leave me at one point I reminded myself

“Hey” I looked up to see Alice with some Hot Chocolate which she handed to me

“Thanks Aunty Alice” I said leaning against her as she sat down where Seth had been moments ago

“Hey your speech is getting better” she noticed happily

“Yeah, Seth and I were just talking so I picked up things” I said cheerily

“Well that’s great doll” she said hugging me, but then her face turned serious

“Chloe I need to tell you something huge okay?” she waited until I nodded for her to continue “Rosalie has spoken to Bella and Edward about you” she paused waiting for this to sink in “and they have agreed for Rosalie and Emmet to adopt you making them your guardians” I nodded not understanding half the words she just told me

I took a sip of my Hot Chocolate and was about to respond when her face went blank

I sat there kind of scared because she wasn’t moving or blinking for the matter

“Aunty Alice” I whispered gently

She soon snapped out of it

“They can’t do that” she said angrily stomping back into the house

I followed to see what she was on about

“You can’t imprint on them they are children. Not even a day old” she yelled at both Jacob and Seth

“We can’t help it Pixie. If we imprint then we imprint and there is no stopping it” Jacob yelled at Aunt Alice

I was so scared

Nessie had real Mom and dad

Rosie, Emmet, Jasper and Grandma were not even in the room and Grandpa was in his study so I just stood there by myself

“They are not even a day old and you just fall for them” Alice argued back

I tried to get around her to Seth because something was drawing me to him but Alice put her arm out to stop me

“Alice you can’t stop me and Chloe” Seth said looking down at me although I was aging quick so was about nine or ten

I knew for a fact that I would stop aging when I looked sixteen or seventeen so that could possibly be tomorrow or the day after

“I know” she said letting her arm fall and nodding letting me know I could go to him

I walked over to him and walked straight into his arms with a huge smile on my face

“Mom, Dad please let me go to him” I heard Nessie say in a pleading voice

So they are not too happy about that Imprint

Whatever imprinting is

I then saw everyone’s heads snap to the window feature wall where a group of ten or so werewolves stood. And right now, they looked M-A-D. Mad.

The wolf that stood before the rest had jet black fur, his eyes nearly invisible as they were scrunched into slits

And then he pounced shattering the windows


hope you guys enjoyed chapter one

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Chloe xx

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