Chapter 6

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Padme eyes fluttered open to see a strange grey room. There was a couch and a small kitchen. There were two doors and a window that showed the out to space. She looked down at her clothes. They were torn and dirty. She had cuts that were red and puffy. She looked out the window. Whatever ship she was on was in a planetary system that she had never seen.

"Hello. Nice to see your awake now Senator Amidala." A deep voice said. Padme looked around and saw a tall figure. He had red skin with yellow eyes. He looked like a human but had two leeku on the back of his head. He was wearing a dark set of tight fitting clothes over his muscular build and had a lightsaber clipped to his belt. He had black marking over his body.

"Who are you." Padme asked, sitting up straight.
"Why do you ask?"
"Well I would like to address you correctly." Padme lied.
"I am Darth Ruyn. Let's make this simple, alright?" he snickered. He force picked Padme up and put her in a chair. Padme glared at him. Her stomach filled with rocks.
"Do you favor the Jedi over the Sith?"
"Why do you do that?" he questioned.
"They want to bring peace to the galaxy. They fight for the citizens who can't." she spoke.

Padme wished she bit her tongue. Ruyn lifted an arm and curled his fingers. Padme felt her esophagus collapsing. She was struggling to breath. She wrapped her fingers around her neck. Ruyn lifted his arm and Padme was lifted from the ground. With an angry grunt Ruyn bashed his arm across the air, sending Padme flying into a wall. She hit her stomach on a shelf and fell onto her back. Her body laid limp on the ground.

"Stupid woman. I'm going to go into my room. When I come back out you better change your mind or you are becoming my lifelong slave." Ruyn said as he walked into another room. He shut the door hard and all way quiet. Padme struggled to sit up. She felt her stomach and nothing was moving. She couldn't feel a heartbeat. As she feared the worst, Padme looked around the room and sat at the table.

"Please someone help me! Please!" she whispered as a tear left her eye. She sat back in her chair and rubbed her stomach, hoping that the baby was alright. She sat up and thought. How am I getting out of here? She sat hopelessly. She walked to the shelf and took some paper and a pen. Padme wanted to write a letter for help and a letter to her baby, if she was never going to see it after Ruyn. She scrabbled out a message to get help. She then wrote the letter to her baby. She explained everything about her and what had happened that day. She then ripped her necklace off. The one Anakin had given her when he was a young slave on Tatooine. She wanted whoever to get the letter to know that she loved Anakin. She pushed the necklace and the letters into a small pod and sent them both out into space.

As she sat back down on the floor, Ruyn came out of his room. He had changed his shirt.
"Are you going to cooperate now? You know the Sith are fighting for our peace but those blasted Jedi get in the way." He smirked.
Padme shrank back against the wall. Ryun forced pushed her body against the wall so she couldn't move.

"Listen to me. You will either join the Sith and you will live an easier life. No policies to follow and you only have to do one thing, destroy every Jedi, or you will be my slave."

Join the Sith! Padme could never do that. She would kill herself out of grief first. She stared at him. Ryun took her stare as a no. Ryun put a collar on Padme and dragged her across the floor. He ignited his lightsaber. Fear filled Padme's eyes. He raised the sword and burned Padme's abdomen. She cried out in pain. He chained her to the wall by the door. Ryun cackled and said, "Tomorrow, we will make your baby come, and you will have to kill it yourself." He turned off the lights and shut his door.

Padme started to cry silently. Tears flooded her face, and she felt helpless. She listened to the hum of the ship and hugged her stomach. She would do whatever it takes to keep her child. She fell asleep hugging her knees and stomach.

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