Chapter 2

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"Well this will be fun, just me and the baby. It is almost like this whole universe wants to know who you are, but I don't want to overwhelm myself."
She took in a deep breath and sighed, "I just wished your father was here. I wish there was no war anymore, and that the world would be peaceful." She felt a small shift of movement from inside her.

"I know that's too much to ask for. But that is why I go to Naboo. It's a place where I can get away. If I can fit in it anymore, I will show you my favorite alone time spots. I think I'll be too heavy because of you, my darling, to go into any high spots, but I do have some places in mind." Padme cooed. "I love you, little baby."

A small buzzer started beeping and Padme took control of the steering. She exited hyperspace and a blue and green planet was beneath her. She flew the ship into the docking bay and unbuckled her seatbelt. There was a red mark on her arm from the seatbelt being tight on her. She rubbed it away. As she walked down the landing ramp, her house maidens from fifteen years ago surrounded her with hugs.
"We missed you!"
"You are beautiful!"
"You are so big!"
"When is the baby due?"
"I'm so excited for you!"

Padme blushed and smiled. "We have to have a long overdue girls talk, how about later today?" The girls nodded and patted her stomach.

"Bye Padme!" they all said as they left. Padme continued walking into the castle. Two guards opened the door for her. She entered the room. Crisp, cool air blew into her face. The room was empty except for one person. She was wearing a dark long dress with open sleeves. Padme walked as fast as she could to that person. Her heart was beating hard. She saw her mother's face and was engulfed by her mother's arms. She returned the hug and took in a deep breath. Her mother's sweet aroma filled her nose. The two stopped hugging and gazed at each other. Her mother's eyes fell from her eyes to her stomach.

"Look at my beautiful girl! You are all grown up! I can't believe how big you are. I wasn't even nearly that big when I had you!" her mother exclaimed.
"Mother please!" Padme teased as her cheeks got red.
"Oh Padme no need to be embarrassed. Have you felt the baby at all?" she asked.
"Yes, they had some very powerful kicks this morning and I could feel the heartbeat in the ship when I was coming here." Padme answered. A wave of dizziness washed over Padme. She felt nauseated. She grabbed the nearest chair for balance.
"What's wrong dear?" her mother asked.
"I'm dizzy and nauseous. I just need a bed to relax in. Too much excitement I guess." She said. Her mother nodded and held on to her daughter. Padme was grateful that her mother was there holding on to her. If she had been alone, she would have fallen. Her room was exactly how it was years ago. She laid in her bed.
"I'll check in on you in a half hour." Her mother said as she closed the door.
Padme laid her head on her pillow. Her head was spinning. She felt as if her stomach in her throat. She closed her eyes and broke into a cold sweat.

She saw herself, in a dark room. She was crying. Her body was buckled over. She was in the worst pain in her life. She turned around and her laughing. It was Anakin. No! He couldn't have done it. She felt alone, and started to cry again. She felt as if she was falling.

Love Always Prevails: An Anidala FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now