I (chap 1)

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" tor ki class ekhun?"
"9 I"
"Ore baba. Best of luck"
^ this had become a common conversation between teachers in the staff room who taught the most popular section of class 9(2014-15) , section-I . The class was a below average class . Even in a subject like Hindi , some students couldn't score more than ten on twenty ( no offense to anyone) . Although the class didn't have much scope in academics , it grabbed medals in sports. It was an athletic section. The fourth row( as described earlier) was full of athletes. Be it Harsh who was in the football team , Ayush , Atul Dubey and Anurag who contributed to their house Teesta by grabbing medals , Mayank-the basket ball champion , Himanshu who was following the footsteps of Singh or Aditya And Burhan who took active part in the kabaddi matches . You name it and we had the champions .
It was during the session of class 10 , when kabaddi became a craze. The whole class was in a turmoil during the long break . I remember , it used to be 11:10 and Manav used to shout some random shit and make space at the back of the class for the same.
Most of the boys of the class used to participate it it. The teams were usually fixed - Manav , Shaurya , yash , joyjeet and atul arya in one . Where as Parambrata , Souptik , Souvik , Ritesh and Arham in the other . Yash at times was made the referee. Even the only scholar badge awardee of that class-Yuvraj joined the game . It was usually Manav's team which one . Kabaddi was a hit during those days. There used to be inter section Kabbadi Matches and section I was at the brim , at least most of the days . The intersection matches were organized by Rishabh Vijay*(too long) and played during the breaks. I remember going to one of the floors to see the match one fine day . It was section I competing against section J . I don't remember who won but i did see Aditya dodging Udyansh Balasaria very well. Sports was in the blood of 10 I . It was present in such a great extent that even though we weren't supposed to go to the games class because of the exams , not a single student stayed in the class. I remember Yuvraj hiding under the table xD(sorry) .
Apart from sports , the class was good at other stuff as well. Our soft board used to be one of the best in the whole batch . Thanks to Harsh . The class played an active part in decorating the board . From the girls - Ritika , Radhika , Khushi , Chandni , Anuka till the boys- Harsh , Atul Arya , Yuvraj , Yash , me , Himanshu , Aditya everyone played a very significant role. I remember Yash and me tracing a chart paper on the last day before the Durga Puja Vacation. However it was Harsh Jaiswal , whose one single stroke on a chart paper made it look magnificent . It was in class 10 when we had got some Hindi project about some author or someone. Each and every group leader including me went to Harsh with helpless eyes and requested him to write the heading .
Art and craft was just another aspect.
Our class touched each and every field of extra curriculum.
My favorite , MUN . Model United Nations . Something which we could relate only to the sections of A(Khushi , Deevansh etc) and B(Girik) .
No one had any clue that people from section I would be selected in Intra MUN . Yuvraj (NWC) and Aditya(UNGA) were the lucky ones . Although not all our students were 'academically advanced' , we did have people who were street smart and that's what matters in the long run. Taking the words literally it was Aditya and Yuvraj again , who were selected for certain plays. While Yuvraj charmed everyone with his street show , Aditya grasped the breath of the audience by essaying the role of 'Circuit' in the annual function. . Although the class wasn't an intelligent one , it did consisted of some students who were exceptional in the field of science. It was usually Yuvraj , Souvik Maity and Bishwadeep who paid visit to Omdayal and other science related institutions. While we had some IITians prepared with us , we had some smart students as well who were looking forward for making their career in finance. Burhan , Aditya and me went to attend the workshop with Mr.Mukul Mittal . Burhan , who was now among the top 5 students of class went down to attend the workshop with Income Tax Department.

Ritika , Radhika and Khushi would have done a great business if they would have opened a stationary shop in our class. Although we do have a book shop in our school , it's considered painful to go all the way to the bookshop . And so be it feedback sheets , sketch pens , A-4 or normal stationery , it were the girls who provided us with it. Although there was one person in the class who owed something or the other to everyone , even Debarghya. He was Anurag Sharma . He was a . Sorry. Is a lazy lump as well . It was me who used to do his lab file projects -.- .

Getting gadgets to the school was never a big deal . Be it any online exam or a normal working day , some people got their cells everyday .
Some were smart enough to hide them while the odds weren't in the favour of some . Himanshu . His phone was returned to him on the last day of class 10.
It was on the day of some online exam when Harsh's i-phone got confiscated. Anyways , selfie is a must. But at times , you do need to pay the price. It was during the long break when almost half of the class was out and the rest was busy playing 'kabaddi' , Ronit Bannerjee was busy taking selfies with shreyash gooptu .
It was when Chandan sir entered and decided to confiscate the tab , ronit with his face all red begged him not to do so . Ronit never brought his tab to the school on the days of other online exams .

Till here then.

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