"Oh my god, Hoseok stop that, you're getting chips everywhere!"

Yoongi cringed. He didn't want to think about what this guy and his company were doing.


"Oh, yeah, hi- who is this?"

"Min Yoongi, from the music store."

"Oh! Okay, did my order arrive?"
"Don't say things like 'arrive', you sound weird."
"Shut up Hoseok!"

"Uh, yeah, it came just now..."

"Great! I'll come get it now."
"Tae, don't leave me!"
"Then come with me-"
"No way! I just got comfortable."
"You're on the floor covered in empty chip bags..."
"And I happen to be very comfortable."

"Anyways, your order is here, bye."

Yoongi grimaced at the phone and ended the call. Those two were way too hyper.


Taehyung took the phone away from his face, smiling at Hoseok.

"Why are you grinning like that?"

He plopped down onto the floor, scooping up an almost emptied bag of chips and finishing it off. He spoke with his mouth full, "You remember that cute little store, the one with that guy you fell in love with-"

"I told you I didn't fall in love with him!"

Taehyung smiled and patted his best friend's hair, "Whatever, that's totally believable. Anyways, I ordered something for Jiwoo, since she's been doing really well in school. It just came in and he called, so I'm going to pick it up, and you're coming with me."

Hoseok blushed darkly and rolled away from Taehyung, "No I'm not," he said, his face in his hands.

"Yes, you are." When Hoseok shook his head violently, Taehyung slapped him on the back. "You've been talking about him for so long! This is your chance to finally be happy," he said.

"I already am happy, so there." Taehyung was about ready to drag the older out of his house. "And anyways... I can't afford to be distracted. I have to take care of my family, you know that."

He smiled sadly at Hoseok, "You're right, but you can't always sacrifice your life for the sake of others." Hoseok was still facing away from him. "Sometimes, I think you forget that you're still young. You can't waste your life away working all of the time."

The other sat up abruptly, wrappers and bags floating to the floor. "If I don't, who will, Taehyung?" He looked at Taehyung, frowning. "Tell me who's going to pay for Jiwoo to go to school, and to go to college, who's going to pay for my mom to go to the doctor when she gets starts getting worse." His face was serious and cold. "Don't you see that I'm doing this because I have to? I would love to go to college like you do, and to hang out with friends and not come home everyday with blisters and cuts. I would give anything to be a normal person like you and your family, but that's not the hand I was dealt.

And even when Jiwoo finishes her education, she shouldn't have to take care of our mother, that's my job. I can't dream about growing up and making my own family because I'll always need to work, I didn't go to college, who would hire some uneducated loser who still lives with his mother?"

Taehyung frowned, he couldn't believe that Hoseok didn't even consider asking for help. He was going to take on every single responsibility himself, and that bothered him. "Why can't you just ask for help," he burst out, suddenly mad. "Why am I even here, do you not even think of us as family?! You're not the only one who worries! I hate that you have to work so much and I understand why you do it, I'm not stupid Hoseok," he had his fists balled up and was glad that Ms. Jung and his parents had gone to the grocery store. "But you never ask me, or anyone else for that matter, for even a little bit of help!"

The two glared at each other, both angry and overwhelmed from all the emotion. Hoseok never knew that Taehyung thought his way and it hurt him to know he was causing others grief. No one needed to worry about him, it was his job to worry and take care of everyone else.

At least, that's what he thought.

In the bigger scheme of things, everyone worried over the dark haired boy. He'd long since become a sign of hope for everyone he met. He was bright, and so much more than what he thought of himself. The Kims often said how they wished their kids would have the work ethic Hoseok had, and Mrs. Kim always said if it werent for the other lady's pride, she would have made her husband take in Ms. Jung a long time ago. Mr. Kim agreed wholeheartedly.

Whether Hoseok liked to acknowledge it or not, he couldn't do everything by himself and if it weren't for Taehyung and his family, they wouldn't be where they are now. They wouldn't be happy like they are now.

Sometimes, he did forget he had people to rely on, he'd be too caught up in his own worries. He didn't think about how that affected them. Especially Taehyung.

The glares melted off into smiles, and hugs and Taehyung slapped Hoseok on the back once again. "You're so stupid, Hobi."


the amount of friendly vhope in this was unplanned for.. but I love it so yeah.

yoonseok coming soon tho, maybe

idk tho so later y'all

idk tho so later y'all

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