Chapter 7

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Hello dear fans! So sorry for the long wait :( but no worries i plan on posting again soon!

Hope you enjoy!

Song listening to right now: Over You by Acceptance


Chapter 7


It's been two weeks since i've seen Luke. He hasn't showed up to school. I decided that before i go see him I should go talk to his best friend Lucas.

So I waited till after the last block of the school day to see if he wasn't to busy to talk to me. I wondered to myself how was he doing and how was he coping. Maybe he didn't care or maybe he was hurting himself because he felt he wasn't worth it.

I never ever want him to feel that way, he deserves better.

Just then I see Lucas with the rest of the guys except for Issac. Since the guys found out what Issac was doing behind Luke's back they out-casted him from the group. Everything has changed and not the way I wanted it too.

Things were very different and maybe not for the best. Rainbow is the only one supporting my decision to talk to Luke. The rest think that I need to forget him because he has already been "Soiled". What ever the hell that means. I need to see him- to make sure that he is okay, if not for him at least for me. I need to see him.

I walk over to Lucas.

"Hi Lucas, can I please speak to you for a quick minute?" I ask him.

"Sure. Hey guys I'll catch you later", He says to the guys then puts his attention to me, "Your Aria right?"


"What's up?

Tears start forming in my eyes. I can't ask him about Luke he'll laugh at me, he'll wonder why I care so much about Luke.

"Hey why are you crying is something wrong?" Lucas asks with worry etched on his face.

"Um..I-I um....Nothing never mind." I stutter and beging to turn around.

Lucas grabs my shoulder. "No Aria what's the matter?"

I look at him, "I just wanted to know if Luke is alright?" I state more as a question then an answer.

It's his turn to look at me and begin to tear up. He clears his throat a little and lets out a shaky sigh, "Um to be honest no, Luke won't talk to me and he won't let anyone in. His parents are worried about him and Hanna has tried to contact him. He has locked himself in his room and only comes out when he really needs too. He doesn't look good at all."

Lucas looks down at me and then sits on the ground with tears rolling down his cheeks. Worry was written all over his face and being the person I am I sit down next to him wait for him to relieve his feelings.

"I'm worried about him Aria" Lucas finally croaks out, "He doesn't look healthy and I'm afraid he is going to do something like Annie did. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't miss Annie." I wrap my arms around Lucas and let him cry on my shoulder.

Annie was Lucas's two and a half year girlfriend. They were so happy together and I bet they even planned on getting married. They fit each other so perfectly. But Annie was hiding her real self. She killed herself right after her seventeenth birthday. She was only two months older than Lucas and he loved her so much.

It's only been a year and a couple months since her death and Lucas has changed a great deal from what he used to be. I guess he never really ever got the chance to let this off he's chest and now that Luke is going through so much and won't let even his best friend in- It just must be killing Lucas inside.

I have to talk to Luke if not for me then for Lucas. I can't stand it anymore Luke needs to grow a pair and understand that Hanna was shit for him. He needs to move on!

"Lucas if you aren't can you take me to Luke's house?" I ask.

"Sure, but what for?"

"Ohh you'll see!"

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