Falling For You Darling

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Heyyylooo!!! This the first book that i'm writing and i really hope you like it!!

song i'm listening to right now: Gravity by John Mayer :D


Chapter One

Love should be a complete and utterly amazing feeling right? I mean not that I would know but, still I can’t help but wonder if it was meant for me. I don’t even feel pretty enough for love.

Well…my mom thinks I’m pretty! But that doesn’t count, family doesn’t count! Why should I get to experience this amazing thing called love?


I mean I’m literally fat. Well I’m a size 14. I should be a 6. It’s not like I’m horrid fat but I’m fat enough for none of the guys to look at me or even give me a passing glace.




“Ugh,” I paused. “Oh hey Rainbow”,

“I’ve been running down the hall screaming your name and you can’t even acknowledge me Aria?”, Ahh my best friend in the whole world who can only give me the worst look a best friend could give! That’s why I love her, we’ve been friends since we were 3 and we’ve been together ever since.

The amazing thing about Rainbow is that she never gets fully mad at me which is a good thing because I know she will always be there for me.

“I noticed…” I shrugged my shoulders. I mean what could this woman want, I was deep in thought and I’m known to have these mood swings for weeks. Just makes me wonder some times cause I seriously act like a hormonal prego lady.

Rainbow stared at me. Here we go…. “Is something wrong Aria, you have this pained look on your face like someone hit Oswald with a bat”. Oswald is my cat. His name was Peter until my little brother Nathan decided Peter wasn’t going to be his name anymore. So since he was in love with that stupid octopus on TV Peter’s new name is Oswald. I personally don’t agree with the name but my parents think its good for Nathan to be creative. What ever the hell that means. How come I wasn’t allowed to be creative?

“Nah nothings wrong Rainbow, just a lot of deep thoughts going through my mind,” I said as she still gave me a worried look.

RIIIINGGGG! Oh great the bell.

“Well that’s the bell I’ll see you at lunch Rainbow”, I said as I started to turn around and walk to class. “Ehhh okay Aria, don’t let Mrs. Cross get to your head today in English! I mean not like she could cause your mind would block everyone out since Luke has that same class. ” Rainbow said smiling at me. She was practically yelling out loud!

I gave her my worst death stare. How could she even dare say his name out loud! Does she want the world to know my life!

“Bye Rainbow!” I said seething through my teeth.

Luke is only one of the hottest guys in this freaking school. He’s tall with the most beautiful green eyes that have the most amazing blue specks in them. Its like a lake you just want to jump in and swim. And then that lush black hair of his that is cut to perfection on top of that precious head of his. And that breath taking smile of his with the perfect high set of his cheek bones. And that body….ugh I can’t even wrap my head around it….

Hmmmmm yummy….maybe I can XD

Just then in the middle of one the greatest fantasies I walked right into him when he was going to give a kiss goodbye to his girlfriend Hanna. Oh crapola! It wasn’t even a gentle nudge, it was like a giant blimp crashed into him. ohhhh gosh I was never going to live this down. Of course I would just stare and stutter my pathetic excuse and feelings of being sorry while Hanna gave me he signature pissed off smirk.

Oh hell…  



Well! i hope you enjoyed it and if you did please vote and comment and tell me how you feel about the characters and what you would like to see happen. doesn't mean it will happen but i would love to hear what's on that brilliant mind of yours :D

please give me your feedback!!!



please with a cherry on top !! <3

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