Chapter Five

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Okay so first off I wanted to say that I was truely sorry for not posting and i have a feeling that this chapter is short but i am already starting on the next chapter!!! and talk you to all my fans for being patient with me!! you guys are amazing!!

Second, i will try my hardest to post every week but i have so much homework its not even funny anymore and i just recently joined the golf team at my school. so please bare with me. i promise i am not giving up on this book :D

okay so enough rambling here is chapter five :D



*Thursday Night*


I knew that being here in Hanna's bedroom on her bed with Luke at a family dinner was a bad idea. But Luke just doesn't give Hanna the attention that she needs. I promise you that if she was my girl I'd make her scream and moan all night long when here parents weren't home. Plus it wasn't like she was pushing me away.I can promise her so much more than Luke, I just have to prove that to her and she'll see just what she is missing not being with me.

*Friday Afternoon*


It wasn't that hard to convince the girls to got to Patrick's party. I mean if Patrick invited the whole school then surely we would be allowed to enter. Now the hard part was finding a dress that would express my curves and flaunt what the good lord gave me!

I probably tried like 47 different outfits and Rainbow was no help. She thought that the last 20 outfits were drop dead gorgeous, but it was about how i felt, right?

I just really hoped that Luke would be there, I really need to prove myself to him and make him understand that he could have so much more than that wicked witch!! Just then I stumbled upon the most beautiful aqua dress. It was a halter top with lace sleeves and it huged my waist, then flowed down to my mid thigh.

This dress was perfect. Just perfect to get noticed by Luke.

It might seem that I was a little obessive of Luke, but i guess that you could say that i never had a true boyfriend before. The longest relationship I've had was only a month long and that was with Rainbow's little nephew. Once he made it to 8 years old there was no more looking at Aria.


"Come On babe, why don't we just stay at the house tonight. It would be great just the two of us" Luke said while grabbing Hanna's waist," we could rent a movie and just enjoy the night."

"No, I'm sorry Luke but I have to wake up early tomorrow to take the SAT and I really just want to get my rest. Maybe next Friday?" replied Hanna.

I was torn. I wanted to spend time with Hanna, but I guess it is for the best there will be plenty more weekends. But for some reason I feel that she is pulling away from me. I'm scared wondering if she wants sex. That's just something I'm not quite ready for. For that fact I don't even really know if i love her. My parents always told me to save my love for someone that I was in love with, I'm just not sure if Hanna is the one I'm in love with.

"Okay then, just call me tomorrow after you take the SAT so we can try to get together."

"Alright you."

Love you?

Did I even really feel that way anymore?

"Love you too Hanna" I responded

*Friday Night*

After not being able to spend the evening with Hanna, I decided to go to Patrick's party. It wasn't a hard decision since mostly every one of my friends were going to be at that party and even my parents had plans.

After putting on a v-neck and black jeans with my hair a little damp, I rolled up to Patrick's four-story mansion.

There was music blaring out of the speakers and trash all over the front yard. The trees in the front yard had toilet paper hanging from the branches. Only two hours late and this party was already on full swing. I guess coming here was not a bad idea after all.

Once walking through the front I was already bombarded with hundreds on my friends. then I spot Lucas talking to one of the drama girls. She was really pretty, with a flower sun dress and her brown hair in curles. This is the first time I have ever seen Lucas with a girl like this, he normally goes for bimbos and whores. But he seemed sincerely happy with that chick. I guess I'll have to talk to him later about this.

As I was about to walk to the kitchen to get something to drink, when I saw the most beautiful girl in this aqua dress. I had the sudden urge to talk to her. Her black hair was pin straight and her dress knew exactly where to hug her. She was stunning.

I was slowly walking up to her when I see Hanna at the corner of my eye walking into a room.

What the hell was she doing here?! She was suppose to be at her own room relaxing.


So what is going to happen next??????lol

so you know what would make me extra happy?!?!/

if you could vote comment and fan me if you want too!  

I'd love you forever:D

thank you!!

so i've been thinking that i won't upload the next chapter until i get about let's say 20 votes? i feel that no one is really liking this story so how about some lovin'?

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