it's you again ♫

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I Hate...
to turn up out of the blue uninvited, but I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it.

This was it. Tomorrow, Red would be marrying (Name of worst enemy). Tomorrow, he would swear his love for another woman. Tomorrow, (Name) would never be able to have a chance at her one true love again.

(Name) decided to pay Red a visit, to see how he was doing. She called him, telling him that she was going to come over for a bit, and he readily agreed.

With a soft sigh, (Name) rang the doorbell and waited for someone to answer. A couple of seconds later, Red's smiling face popped into view.

"(Name)!" he exclaimed. "I haven't seen you in so long! I missed you!" Then why didn't you try to find me?

"Hi, Red," (Name) said with a slightly forced smile as Red engulfed her in a bear hug. Hesitating only slightly, she slowly moved her arms to encircle his body as well.

"We need to catch up! Come in!" The raven-haired boy ushered the girl in, the smile never leaving his face. He towed her to the living room. where they plopped down on the couch. "So, what's new?"

"Ah, nothing," (Name) replied quietly. "Congratulations on your marriage, Red."

"Thanks!" Red replied with a bright smile, completely oblivious to (Name)'s sullen tone. "Have you found your special someone yet?" He wiggled his eyebrows in such a manner, (Name) couldn't help but giggle.

"Nope," she said, popping the 'p.' But I wish you were that special someone.

The pained look on (Name)'s face finally brought Red to his senses. He frowned.

"(Name)-chan, what's wrong?" he asked gently. (Name) almost flinched at the use of her childhood nickname..

"...Nothing, Red," she mumbled bluntly.

"C'mon, you can tell me anything!" Red tried to pry.


"I'll tickle you!"

"Hmmph." As if I'm even ticklish anym- EEEEK!

"Haha. (Name)-chan. will you tell me now?"

"Red!" The (Hair Color)-haired girl shrieked in protest. "Let me go!"

"Noo! Not until you tell me why you're sad!"

"I told you, it's no- RED STOP!" She let out a waterfall of forced giggles as Red continued to tickle her mercilessly.

"Tell me!"



"I LOVE YOU RED!" Red's hands immediately froze.

"You... what?" Real tears began to stream down (Name)'s cheeks as she realized what she had just said. Quickly gathering her things, she was out the front door before Red could even tell her to wait.
"Goodbye." The door slammed shut.

"(Name)-chan... come back..."

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