Chapter 2 ~ The Perfect Plan

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Bates kept thinking.

Thinking of how he was going to go through with this.

Maybe he'd take Marina out first..

Maybe he'd take his mother Korina out first.

He couldn't decide.

He locked himself in his room for the whole day, contemplating how he was going to murder his abusive mother and sexually abusive sister.

He thought of the perfect plan.

He'd wait for Marina to leave, and while Korina was getting drunk, he'd follow Marina out of the house.

He'd follow Marina into the woods, since she always went there in the middle of the night to smoke meth, and he would wait for her to sit down on the edge of a rock at the top of a hill.

Once she sat, he'd stealthily sneak behind her and slit her throat.

After her throat was slit and she was dead, he would push her down the hill.

He'd then sneak home and wait for his mother Korina to pass out drunk.

Whenever she did, he'd stab her in the throat, aiming for her windpipe.

As she gasped for air, he'd cover her mouth.

Although, this is just the planning phase, he was sure it'd work.

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