Chapter 1.1: Beginning of Despair

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We all stand there in shock and fear...kill? Killing was the only way we could escape this new found hell...that seems impossible. Escaping is impossible, but only time would tell. There's 16 of us starting many would fall? How many would survive? But all we know is that this is our new found life at Hope's Peak Academy...

That night was horrible, I could barely sleep at all. Something was bothering me though, something that I probably should brush off. It can't be helped though, 'she' was the only one who probably understand what I'm feeling, all this fear that is buried deep within my heart. Sleeping wasn't an opinion at this point it was probably morning, who knows there's no clock- Wait. When did this phone or...tablet get here?

Picking it up, it lights up just by my touch. Ah! It's so bright though! Finally when my eyes readjusted I see that the time is 3 A.M. I groan loudly, leaning back into my somewhat comfortable bed. This was already hell, the beds were uncomfortable as heck, it's probably why I can't sleep. I hear a knock on my door, I quickly sit back up. Getting out of my bed I make my way across the hard wooden floor to open the door. Once opening I see Chuuya there, he looked more tired than I did. "Umm, Chuuya it's 3 in the morning what are you doing here?" I ask him.

He yawns, stretching his arms. "Eh..? It is? I thought it was morning time."

I frown at him, grabbing his hand and leading him back to his room before he fell back asleep.

"Okay sleepyhead, it's time for you to go back to bed.."

Leading the Voice Actor back to his room. I open the door to reveal the same room as mine with a dark red wallpaper and wooden floors, it also had the windows bolted, a private bathroom and some kind of dresser. I wrap his arm around my shoulder, leading him to one of those uncomfortable beds. He lays down and wraps himself up in a dark red blanket with golden stars on it. His pitch black hair was all fluffed up, man I don't know if he's trying to be adorable on purpose or he's just really sleep deprived. I giggle silently and leave the bedroom, shutting the door gently so I wouldn't wake him up.

I head back to my room, remembering what we all agreed on today for tomorrow morning until we find a way out of this place once and for all. Arriving in my room once more I lay back down in the most uncomfortable bed in the world. I linger into a deep sleep.

"Good Morning students! It's another beeeeeeautifuulll day~! I would like to tell you all that there's a huggggeeee buffet in the dining hall! Until then have a great day!"

I groaned as I woke up, that announcement is so loud and annoying, I can't stand this place already and it hasn't even been a full day here yet. I just layed there for a few seconds before there was a knock at my door. "Oh...I wonder who could be there?" I mumbled, getting out of bed and heading to the door.

Opening it up I didn't see anyone, I thought this was a prank before I heard a voice. "I'm down here Kazuko."

Looking down I saw the Ultimate Ghost whisperer there, gosh she was so tiny even for a Freshman. "Oh- it's you Chiyo." I began, "What are you doing here at my dorm?"

"Oh. Everyone is waiting for you at the dining hall." She said, "So you better hurry up and get dressed. We don't want to start eating without you."

And with that the small teenager was off on her way to the dining hall as I was left there standing in the dust. I wasn't too hungry at the moment but it seemed like a great way of getting out of my room for a little bit. I know hiding from danger is cowardly but at this point I don't really know what to do with my situation. Sighing, I just got dressed quickly before making my way to the dining hall where everyone else was waiting for me. I walk down the hallway swiftly, I can't let them wait on little me, a girl who was just accepted into the academy due to some luck.

Danganronpa: Sins of DespairWhere stories live. Discover now