America X Reader~ Hero

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You walked down the streets hand in hand, and you giggled each time America would point something out in the windows, saying that his country made it and always called himself the hero while doing so.
You'd shake your head and laugh at America's antics, and would always call them cute and cocky.

As you both walked down the dark street, he told you about his history and many stories that kept you wanting more before a sound came from the alley from the right of you.
You both stopped and he put a protective arm in front of you and a figure emerged from within.

"Well, looky what we gots here boys." A man, twice your size said to two other men, also twice your size.

"Looks like our bomber jacket friend here brought us a pretty snack to eat." The leader said grinning evilly at you.

America sneered and pushed you behind him.

"Fuck you." He said pointing a finger at the leader to which in reply, he laughed.

"Aww! Is the little American boy gonna stop me? I have two other men here, dumbass." He said gesturing to the men, who walked from the alleyway, and you merely sneered at them.

The leader stepped foreword.

"Give her to us, and we won't have to kill you." He said, taking out a knife, as well as the other two.

America didn't even flinch.

"Let me repeat myself, fuck you, AND your knives." He said glaring and readying his fists.
You did the same as well, since you did know how to fight.

The leader stopped smiling and sneered. He took a swipe at America and he dodged.
America then punched the man hard, and you could hear around three of his ribs becoming broken with a large SNAP.
You winced at the sound, but didn't stand down.

The two other men were speechless at America's strength for a mere moment, before sneering and aiming their knives at America's chest.
America quickly kicked one if the chest, and the other in the face!
The one flew back, while the other's nose bled and flew back as well.
America grabbed your hand and ran off with you, down the street, safe from any harm once more.
He held you close in you apartment that evening, as he chuckled as you blabbered on and on about his heroic features.
He silenced you with a kiss, and you melted into it, happy and content.

He was your hero after all.

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