Chelsea missed teaching, it was true, but she had lost all confidence in her abilities after the tornado. She let a child die. A sob escaped her lips. Slowly, she sat down on the bottom of the tub and hugged her legs.

This was yet another longing, for the day she'd shower like a sane person without sobbing uncontrollably. The routine was the same, she would sit there until the water ran cold, quickly wash and condition her hair while avoiding the icy water, then jump out of shower pruney fingers and puffy eyes.

BAM! A single loud knock on her bathroom door.

"What?" Her voice was muffled as her head was still slightly buried in her knees.

"Why did Chris Pine just call Aaron asking for our address again?" Drew yelled through the door.

Her head shot up. In her moment of self pity she had completely forgotten where here mind had wandered to when she first got in the shower.

"I don't know," she said coyly. Why did he call and ask for our address? Wasn't he just here?

"Lie to me and I'm coming in there."

"I'm in the shower!" She stood up, facing the still warm water and letting it run over her tear swollen face.

"Because the idea of you being in the shower is supposed to bother me?" Sometimes Drew said inappropriate things, this was one of those times.

"It should." She put shampoo in her hair.

"Well, it doesn't. You know what bothers me? The idea of my roommate spending time with a sleazy movie star."

"He's not sleazy," She smiled, that wasn't entirely true. He touched her, a lot, during their conversations. It did come across as sleazy, but just a little bit. And she had to admit she kind of liked it.

"You read that tabloid crap, you don't think he's a womanizing, modelizing movie star?" Evidently Drew had had enough time between Chris calling Aaron and coming upstairs to google Chris Pine. She didn't believe for a second he knew that when they played football earlier in the week.

"I don't know him, I don't believe everything I read," She rinsed her hair and applied conditioner. That wasn't entirely true, she was quite the sucker for Hollywood stories. Sure, she didn't believe one hundred percent everything that she read, but she did think there was truth to most of her People articles.

"So, what are your lunch plans tomorrow," Aaron called through the door. This is getting weird.

"I'm going to eat," Chelsea said, grinning from ear to ear. The conversation she had happily avoided when she first walked in was actually entertaining when she was at a safe distance. They couldn't see the smile on her face. She was giddy like a teenager who found out her crush reciprocated feelings.

"With?" Aaron asked, she could hear the smile in his voice.

"WITH!?" Drew yelled, he wasn't smiling. She'd known Drew much longer. Drew had seen her heart broken in college by a stupid frat boy and offered her the room when her life fell apart because of the tornado. He knew  how fragile she really was.

She didn't respond, just to spite them. Which was a very bad idea. The door opened.

"Get out!" She snapped, wrapping her arms around her chest and twisting to face the other direction in case they could see through the shower curtain.

"Dude, get out," Aaron sounded like he was still in the bedroom. She heard the door close. She peaked out of the curtain. Drew was leaning against the counter.

"Get out!" she repeated.

"Chels, are you really going to lunch with that guy?" That guy. He has a name.

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