Part 19

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By now, the catacombs were full of people dancing - Holt even left the DJ-ing to Operetta while he had a dance with Frankie! Of course it was only fair for him to let Jackson have some time at the party, so he put in some earplugs for a while. The problem for Jackson was that he had no idea who to dance with! Everyone else already had a partner, or was too busy talking...except one ghoul who was standing on her own, watching her friends dance. It was Raquelle Longlocks, the vampire who also happened to be a princess. He shyly walked up to her and asked if she'd like to dance with him, and was surprised when she said "really?! I' to!" With a shocked look on her face. So the two walked hand-in-hand to the dance floor, not knowing that Cupid was watching them with a smile on her face.


So sorry for the unplanned hiatus guys! This chapter is a wee bit awkward, as it was written back in my 'jaquelle' shipping days, but I hope you like it!

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