Your Favourite Activite On The 4 Of July

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Riker: Watch fireworks displays

Ross: Go to the beach , then have a party with family and friends

Rocky: making themed cookies

Ell: Make DIY themed things

Ryland: Making Ombre theme drinks

Hiyaaaa!! It's been a while but heyyy ! I had this chapter written ready to publish on the 4 but something happened with my internet and I couldn't. Later I totally forgot but thankfully I got on and saw this unpublished. Anyways I hope you had a wonderful 4 of July!

Ohhh and guys btw my BESTIE IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD is writing The Vamps Imagines! Soooo if you're interested go and check her out Good_Day_Mcvey ! It would mean the world to me 😍

Love you all,
Kayla 🌺

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