Chapter 17

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"So what's been stressing you out recently?" Kile asks as he places his hand on my knee.

"Well the selection to begin with, it's only been going on for two months and I promised my dad three months. I already told the person I have feelings for for how I feel about him. Second the country, I'm scared they won't like who I pick. Mean they already hate me with a passion. Thirdly I'm scared for my mom, mean yes she's getting better but I'm afra-" that's when Kile kisses me.

"Eadlyn you're going to be a great queen. Also I'm sure if you talk to your parents they would understand if you wanted to end the selection and marry the person you have in mind. Your parents will have your back no matter what. Last time I knew your mom was doing fine. I over heard from the doctors that they'll let her go back to her room in the next week. They just want to make sure she's stable and okay."

"I know my parents have my back always but I'm afraid the of the country. We're falling apart as we speak and they're my people. They look up to me for good leader ship and if I'm not a good leader why be queen?"

"You've been studying with your dad for years Eadlyn! You are going to be fine! I'm sure if you ever have a question or need guidance he'll give you some advice! And you know he would!"

I could tell Kile was getting upset so I tried to change the topic. "Yes my dad is a great ruler and has taught me but I could still screw up. But to forget about this how about we get some sleep."

He lets out a huge sigh, "fine. Do you want me to stay or leave?"


"I'll stay forever Eadlyn."

"I know you will and I love you for that."

"I love you too."

We both fall asleep together but I have a nightmare.

I wake up from my nightmare all sweaty. Within seconds Kile is up too.

"Is everything okay?"

"Just a terrible nightmare."

"Is it about from what we were talking about before?"


He just looks at me and grabs me in for a hug. We sat there for hours it felt like hugging.

I finally broke the silence, "Kile?"


"Can we skip breakfast and just stay in bed together all morning."

"If you so please but wouldn't they get curious on where we both are."

"That's true but I don't care what they think of right now. I just want to enjoy our time together before I talk to my parents."

"Okay, anything for you my princess."

After The Heir Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora