Chapter 3

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I wake up to Kile staring at me.

"What are you looking at?" I ask as I sit up.

"You obviously."

I blushed and gave him a peck on the cheek.

"Awe someone is in a fantastic mood today."

"Well I did get to sleep with a beautiful princess."

I blushed even harder when he said that.

I get up and tell Kile, "You should really get up because everyone is meeting down in the dining hall in a half hour. Plus I don't think you want to get caught with me."

He gets up and out of bed. He grabs his jacket that he had taken off from the night before. "Goodbye Eadlyn see you in a half hour." Before he leaves me plants a kiss on my forehead.

I have my maid help me get ready. She starts up a bath for me. "Thank you." I say. After my bath I put on a ball gown that is mint green. I do my make-up after doing my hair. My hair was in a simple bun and my make-up was a natural look.

I make my way towards the dining hall. On my way down I see Fox coming out of his room.

"Good morning Your Highness."

"Good morning Fox. How are you on this fine day?"

"Pleasant, how about you my lady?"

"Pleasant as well."

"May I escort you to the dining hall."

"Yes you may."

Fox puts his arm out and I take it. We talk about how the selection is going for him and my tiaras.

We finally arrive at the dining hall and we say our goodbyes to each other.

I sit down next to my father and ask how mom's surgery went. He said it all went well and that she should be up and around in the coming months. I thought to myself months! MONTHS! That's a long time!! Throughout breakfast the guys would wink or wave at me. I would either wave back or smile back.

After breakfast I catch Fox asking if he wants to go on the date that we had planned for yesterday. Of course he agrees. I tell him to minute me at two o'clock by the women's room. He protested at first but then agreed because that's where our date would be taking place. When I was younger my mom and I would play board games in the women's room. Sadly most of the games are for six year olds but I guess we'll make do with what we have.

At ten o'clock I had a boring meeting with my dad about world trades with New Asia. We have developed then as allies when my dad took the thrown. My dad has told me they are very fond of me so they expect great things out of me just like my father. I tell my dad I have a date today at two and he lets me leave at one so I can get ready.

After ten minutes of looking through my closet I decide I'll wear a baby blue dress that has sleeves to my elbows. It cuts down half way through my back and hits the floor.

Two o'clock comes around and I make my way to the women's room. Fox is standing there waiting for me.

"Hello Fox."

"Hello Your Highness."

"Pleases, call me Eadlyn."

"Okay, hello Eadlyn."

I gave him a half smile and he smiles back.

"You alright playing some board games today?"

"Of course, I use to play board games with my dad before you know..."

I can see the sorrow wash over his face, "if you don't want to play board games that's fine. We can do something else."

"Oh no no board games sound fun!"

We decide to play sorry, twister, and uno. We laughed, told stories from our childhood, and talked about our favorite songs. We both liked Taylor Swift.

"This was really fun." He told me.

"I really enjoyed this to. It was a nice change from all the boring meetings and paperwork."

"I bet." He says as he turns to me. "Ca-Can I?"

Of course he wants to kiss I thought. Instead I just kiss his cheek and say my goodbye.

As I was walking away I could tell he was disappointed that he didn't get to kiss me but I'm saving my kisses for someone else.

Today I had the PSAT and it sucked! My brain hurts sooooo much but hey at least it's over now.

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