Chapter 4

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After my date with Fox I head towards my father's office. When I walk into his office I see him engulf with his work.

"Dad, why don't you take the rest of the day off and go visit mom. I can take care of everything that needs to be taken care of."

"You sure sweetheart?"

"Yes, I'm sure. You really should take the break."

He finishes his last piece of paperwork and comes up towards me and kisses my forehead, "You will be a great Queen Eadlyn."

"Thanks dad. Now go see mom. She needs you more then ever before."

I watch him leave the office and I get back to work. After four hours sitting  at desk I decided I need a break. So, I get up and head towards the men's parlor (hope that is the name) and I decided to have tea with the men in there. There was eight out of the eighteen there. I asked them what there favorite part of the selection was and most answers getting to know me. One person stood out and that was Raoul. His Answer to my question wasn't like everyone else's. He did include saying getting to know me but he also said getting to know all the other men in the selection. To me that is very important because with this job you need to be able to get to know a wide variety of people. After an hour of drinking tea and spending times with the boys I told them I had to head back to work. I still had two or more hours worth of work.

When I reach the office I see my dad in there.

"Oh sorry dad, I needed a break so I went to spend some time with a group of the guys."

"Oh that's fine. Also you mother says she wants to see you after dinner." He says without looking up from his work.

"Okay! And dad?"

"Yes Eadlyn?"

"May I get ready for dinner, it's almost time and I need to change."

"Of course. Just make sure you visit your mother afterwards."

"Will do!"

I turn around and head back to my room. When I get there I decided I haven't talked to Kile at all today so I make a quick trip to his room. Sadly he wasn't there. I wondered where he was considering he wasn't in the men's parlor when I was in there visiting the other selected. Since he wasn't there I head back to my room and get ready. With the help of Neena we picked a ballroom pink dress that had some jewels on the upper half of the dress. It was a bit fancy for dinner but I loved this dress. It was one of the first ones I designed when I was younger. I liked it so much we decided to make a couple so each time I grew I could wear it throughout the years.

I eat dinner with the selected. Nothing really to exciting happens. I realize Kile wasn't there. I started to panic a little but I decided if he wasn't in his room or the men's parlor at eight o'clock I'll let someone know.

After finishing dinner I head towards the hospital wing to visit my mom. Once I reach her room I saw someone sitting in a chair next to her talking.

Then it hit me. It was Kile.

"Kile, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Oh I thought she would need some company so I thought I would go visit her for a couple hours."

"Oh how sweet." I say in a sarcastic kind of tone.

"Honey!!" My mom says. "That's not nice to say!"

"oh it's fine, I know she's being sarcastic." He says as he looks at me and winks.

I reallllyyy hope that my mother didn't see that.

After ten minutes of us all talking Kile says he needs to leave. He gives us both a hug.

When I hear the door click I ask my mother, "Dad said you wanted me to visit? Is it about the selection because I've gone on a coup-"

"Can't a mother see her daughter." My mother says with a warm smile.

"Well when you put it like that." I say with a giggle.

"I wanted to talk to you about something."

"What's that something?"

Cliffhanger time!
Who do you think they'll talk about?

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