"Komand'r." Her mother said in a calm but firm tone. Blackfire was surprised and tried her best to answer. "Y-yes?" Her father looked at her with something she couldn't quit put her finger on. "You will be leaving with this nice gentlemen " This time it was her father that spoke and gestured to what looked a some type snake with very thin arms and legs.

Two guards, she assumed, of the same species came up from behind her and grabbed her arms with strength that completely contradicted the appearance of their limbs. Blackfire was at a loss of words but her parents were still able to read the unspoken question she had.

"These were enemies...." Blackfire's eyes grew to be the size of saucers with those words. She understood now. She was the price of their newly formed alliance. "....but we came to an agreement-" He was cut off by Blackfire. "And that agreement was me!?" She shouted.

He looked at her with a disapproval. "Yes." Blackfire felt tears come to her eyes as she continued to shout. "Why couldn't you give them Starfire!?" She was struggling desperately to free herself from the grip of the reptiles. She felt something hot on her cheek and it stung.

Then it registered. She was just slapped. She looked at her father stunned. "Why?" She whispered as she felt more tears in her eyes but she refused to let them go. To let them go meant she would accept defeat. To be weak. To be what her parents deemed unacceptable. To be what everyone including her parents thought she was.

The look in her father's eyes told her that he was completely livid. "She unlike you is a Tamaranean. A real one. She isn't a mistake. She wasn't born on the day we were attacked and most certainly she is able to use what you cannot. She has what you lack. She is the next in line to take the throne." He spat out.

That might as well have been the slap that she received. She looked to her mother and her mother just looked away. Not defending her daughter not even caring what was happening right in front of her.

"You are leaving with them and that is final." He said. The rulers of Tamaran left ignoring Blackfire's pleas. Her shouts for help fell on deaf ears. The tears fell. It wasn't fair. The throne was the only thing that she could call her's and they were giving it to their youngest? The tears were blinding her vision as she continued in vain to struggle out of grasp of the serpent like aliens.

In one last attempt she just screamed with one pull that she put every last once of her strength she had left. It made the guards stumble forward but other than that, it was all that it did. The serpent like alien that had walked with her parents seemed to enjoy the way she struggled against the guards.

It let out a rasp like noise that seemed to resemble a chuckle. Blackfire kicked the serpent on the what she assumed was the shin. It immediately stopped and hit her hard enough to have knocked her out.

She awoke to find she was the ship and was getting ready to leave the Tamaran. "NO!" She screamed only to be shocked. She looked down at her wrists to see two metal like gantlets that resembled what Starfire would often wear. Except it had two small rods on each one.

Blackfire tried to take it off but was stopped by getting electrocuted. The voltage was higher than the last one. She heard a hiss and looked up to see one of them, the serpent like alien. It walked up to her cell and looked at her from head to toe.

She felt like it was sizing her up in case she had succeed in taking the bracelets off and had decided to make a run for it. "Those are to make sure you don't go off and return home." She was startled to find that she could understand what they were saying.

"They also have built in communicators. And if you raise your voice the slightest bit...." It paused and looked at her. "Well you've already felt what it could do." It had made the same rasping noise the other had previously had done. "Mess with them, disobey an order, or even as much as look at any of us the wrong way and that will zap you." It rasped a little more.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2019 ⏰

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