Chapter 3

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A groan was heard throughout the house. As soon as the groan reached his ears he immediately appeared next to the couch which held the exiled princess. She stirred in her sleep but stopped after he took a step forward. She hadn't woken up and it had been almost a complete four weeks since she fell into his arms, quite literally.

Red x in the meantime had repaired the window he had thoughtlessly broken. He scratched the back of his head and wondered whether she would ever wake up. There were many times the thief was certain she was dead and would quickly try figure out why she had stopped breathing. The only thing that had scared him was the thought of leaving her alone while he was out.

The scenario of her breathing stopping when he wasn't there always compelled him to stay near her. He knew fully well what and who she was but that didn't scare him nor did it have any affect on his decisions he made. He simply didn't like the idea of someone dying while there was something he could have done to help. He was a thief not some heartless being.

As an end result he more than often helped those whose luck just wasn't all that good. That's all, he didn't have feelings for this pampered princess. Hell, he barely knew her and form what he's heard she was spoiled and threw fits of anger when things didn't go her way.

What got him thinking was how little she weighted when he carried her. Not even with Starfire did he feel like he would brake her with miscalculated strength. He shivered when he remembered how skinny she felt in his grasp. Her armored suit hid the fact that she was underweight. Only if you lifted her or payed any attention would someone notice that her cloths hung from her figure.

Red x raised an eyebrow behind his mask and reached to grab her arm. He immediately let go and stared at her. She was alarm raising skinny. She was practically nothing but bones if he wanted to describe her accurately as possible. It scared him to think that with just a tap she would break like a porcelain doll. Red x wondered that if what he heard Starfire say to Robin was true.

"It is okay Robin. The sun will help me heal quicker, you do not need to worry." Starfire smiled as Robin inspected the burn.

It still relatively bright outside. Red x put his theory to the test by picking Blackfire up and laying her outside on the futon that was outside. He placed a small gadget that would let him know if her heart stopped. Red x was anxious and really wanted this to work.

Right now all he could do was wait. That was one thing he absolutely loathed. Red x woke up with a start as he landed on the ground. He fell from the chair he was on while waiting for the tamaranean princess to wake up.

He looked up to see if she was up yet. No surprise to see she was still in a sleeping state. He sighed, it was nightfall now and she hasn't woken up. He got up and gently picked her up and headed back inside. He could only wonder what it was that was going on in her head. He set back down on the couch.

~Inside Blackfire's Head~

Blackfire was reliving an event that happened way before Starfire used as bargaining chip. Those were days that she didn't want to remember much less relive them. This was one of the days were her parents went meetings and discussed important things such as trading and making new allies.

One of the days she would look back on and try her best not to cry or let any of her stomach's contents leave. She was walking down the hall of the palace when her parents had approached her. She raised a questioning eyebrow at this.

Seeing as her parents barely remembered she was alive, it was even more confusing seeing her parents actually walk up to her and not the opposite way. Something was wrong. She felt it in stomach. In her very soul.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2019 ⏰

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