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It would be a perfect creation, but it wouldn't last. If only he could create it. But he couldn't create it. Not here, not anywhere. Well, not anywhere here at least.

The board of Architectural Innovations frowned at him as he finished his proposal. Staring at their vacant eyes made him feel sleepy, so he yawned. It wasn't like he expected to get a pass anyway. So why did he try? Well trying couldn't hurt, could it? You never really knew until you knew. But you could predict.

"Resident BS-0705-1999, did you really think that coming to us with such a preposterous proposition would garner our approval?" the scientist on the very left said. His mustache was too even. Almost too even. Too perfect. He was disturbed.

"This breaks every ethical code our company stands for. I'm sure you already knew you'd be rejected. Don't waste our time again." the head scientist said. They all stood up, taking with them their unfinished cups of coffee. He should probably get coffee too.

He nodded as they left the room. "Ok." he muttered, gathering his stuff and leaving the room. Maybe they expected more opposition from him, as they all gave him a strange look as he exited the room. It wasn't uncommon to fight to get the company's seal of approval to carry out your project. But he didn't want to fight. It was... such a sad waste of energy.

Most sad rejected people drowned their sorrows in alcohol. But he needed coffee to stay awake; because once he fell asleep, he wouldn't leave his bed until his mom dragged him out of bed. Ugh this was why he hated sleeping. If only he could be a vampire. With all the advanced technology they were surrounded with, why had no one thought of a way to genetically engineer people so that they'd have all the benefits and none of the repercussions of being a vampire?

But wait, there was one solution to everything! All he had to do was take a little vacation. He entered his house, his mom's home cooking filling the air. Damn. One reason to persuade him not to leave. Food. But sadly, he cared about his work more than food. Sometimes he forgot to eat.

"Mom." he said as he entered the kitchen. "I'm going on vacation after dinner. Work project, you know."

She sighed. "Only you would take a vacation to work. I should be pleased, but I'm worried! You're only in high school, yet you act like a middle-aged working man!"

"Ralph Cole was only 10 when he was approved."

"Well, fine. I guess you may go, but be sure to send pictures."

He cringed. "...sure." He needed to invent a drug to camera-proof himself.

And that was how Resident BS-0705-1999 began a series of events that ruined multiple worlds. Ok, well, it was his fault, but I guess it was technically our fault too? Everything went down on the first day of school...

AN: Hello!! This is a collaborative work by me, IM, and my friend KK. This story is loosely based on a real life experience wherein KK and I pranked a mutual friend of ours and created the persona you shall soon know as "Mars". We loved the idea of him so much, that we decided to put it into a story! Anyway, we hope you enjoy! Comments on the story would be very much appreciated!

~ IM



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