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You can't tell me you understand,

Don't tell me you've experienced it,

Don't tell me you're going through it,

Because you're not.

There is a big difference in both of us.

You have never felt the eyes of strangers watching you and cringing.

You have never heard the words and been told these sickening things all because of the mass of your body.

You have never felt the kind of pain that I have struggled with for a very, very, very long time, day by day.

You have told me that I am a word I greatly despise, but in your phrases you have torn me deeper and deeper.

You don't know how many people want to change who they are in exchange of their ashamed bodies.

Don't tell me you understand,

and don't tell me we are similar.

We are different and our pain is different.

And it gets harder everyday, and all I want is for you to


// note //

Thank you guys for getting this book to #176 in Poetry! It means a lot to me.

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